MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1406 followers · 3094 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History June 22, 1922: After guards shot and killed 3 striking miners at the Southern Illinois Coal Company, hundreds of union miners laid siege to the mine, using hammers, shovels and dynamite to wreck equipment and keep the strikebreakers pinned down inside coal cars and behind barricades. After the scabs, guards and superintendent surrendered, the strikers marched them into Herrin, five miles away. Along the way, they encountered a mob of angry miners. One of them shouted, "The only way to free the county of strikebreakers is to kill them all off and stop the breed!" Another said, “We must show the world this ain’t West Virginia,” referring to the Battle of Blair Mountain, nine months prior, in which up to 100 miners were killed in the largest armed domestic conflict since the Civil War. Then the mob grew angrier, striking the scabs with rifle butts, eventually telling them to run for their lives, shooting them as they ran. In total, they killed 19 scabs and the superintendent. Several strikers were eventually arrested and held in the Williamson County jail, which is now a historical museum focusing on the conflict. At the initial inquest, the coroner concluded that the deaths were “due to the acts direct and indirect of the officials of the Southern Illinois Coal Company." Those who were tried for the murders were all acquitted. None of the miners were ever convicted.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #strike #union #UMWA #scabs #massacre #coal #illinois #civilwar #herrin

Last updated 1 year ago

SexySuesse · @SexySuesse
28 followers · 61 posts · Server eggplant.social
Madame Ellen · @MadameEllen
20 followers · 15 posts · Server kinky.business
Dominik Belt :whip: · @dominik
33 followers · 229 posts · Server kinky.business
Dominik Belt :whip: · @dominik
33 followers · 229 posts · Server kinky.business

Schön, wenn man eine Lady hat, der man dienen darf.

#lecken #bdsm #devot #herrin #sub #mistress #domina #Demut #stiefel #Leine

Last updated 2 years ago

Dominik Belt :whip: · @dominik
33 followers · 229 posts · Server kinky.business

Tolles Wochenende und viel Spaß, wobei auch immer.

#bdsm #herrin #Zucht #domination

Last updated 2 years ago

Dominik Belt :whip: · @dominik
33 followers · 229 posts · Server kinky.business

Stilvoll gerüstet für aufmüpfige Subs. Vermutlich auch einfach zu reinigen mit der Zunge. 👅👠

#herrin #Rüstung #highheels #Absatz #Ritterin

Last updated 2 years ago

edward cantor · @edward_cantor
1207 followers · 6913 posts · Server kinkyelephant.com

His tattoo is an impressive likeness.
RT @TheLadyMilana@twitter.com If a is not working the way I expect it he gets to learn a severe lesson...
@RTP1G@twitter.com @Sadobeauties@twitter.com @RT_Paypig@twitter.com @rtfindom@twitter.com @RTfindompig@twitter.com @FemdomDaily@twitter.com @rubberdom@twitter.com
🐦🔗: twitter.com/TheLadyMilana/stat

#slave #domina #fetish #boss #mistress #worship #herrin

Last updated 7 years ago