#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Amateur. One pick n mix at a time (also pound for pound pick n mix the most valuable item in the sweet shop-equivalent to printer ink)BBC News (UK): Man caught on CCTV stealing 144 bars of chocolate https://bbc.in/3qqiXll
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Remember we’re live streaming all the shows this series. Watch live or whenever you wantRichard K Herring: RHLSTP back live TONIGHT at Leicester Sq Theatre. Book here Or buy on the door. 7.30pm https://lsttickets.leicestersquaretheatre.com/ticketbooth/shows/873631974/events/128441427/seats?zone=Main%20House
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
RT Leicester Square Theatre📣 Just announced!@jennyeclair will join @Herring1967 and @thejazzemu on 12 June for #RHLSTP!🎟️Tickets on sale now at http://lsqtheatre.com/rhlstp
#herring1967 #richardherring #rhlstp
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Just so you know Holly - yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Can't wait to meet the incredible J Emu. If you haven't seen their stuff, then take a deep dive into these cool watersJazz Emu: Very much looking forward to chatting with icon @Herring1967 next Monday. Tickets to the recording sluicable at this location: https://www.rhlstp.co.uk/website.cgi?page=news&id=1889
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Another guest announcement for RHLSTP in your secret area, badgers and plussers. The rest of you will find out tomorrow!
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
RT Joel Morris“Phil’s very strange indeed.” Remarkable confession but, hey, maybe that’s what we all needed to hear.
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Re @snazzipantz Well still have one gap to fill so you never know!
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Re @snazzipantz And sorry to hear about your emergency - hope all is OK. See you soon
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Re @snazzipantz would you like me to RT?
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
RT Lou KellyI have a family emergency going on meaning there is a front row seat for @Herring1967’s first RHLSTP of the season without a bottom to keep it warm. Do message me if you’d like my ticket for an evening like no other. It’s freeeeeeeeeeee
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Retro RHLSTP with John Robins and Elis James is up wherever you get your podcasts Please share if you think your friends might like it! https://play.acast.com/s/rhlstp/retro-rhlstp-56-john-robins-and-elis-james
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
RHLSTP back live TONIGHT at Leicester Sq Theatre. Book here Or buy on the door. 7.30pm https://lsttickets.leicestersquaretheatre.com/ticketbooth/shows/873631974/events/128441427/seats?zone=Main%20House
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
That’s nothing. I have nearly 4 billion women who refuse to have sex with me. The guys are all into me luckily.Fesshole 🧻: I have a wife who has given up on sex. So I now have a girlfriend too for sex. She has now stopped sleeping with me, but she won't let me break up with her. So I have two women refusing to have sex me with me. My life sucks.
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Re @Simondo65 yeah, try one with one vowel and a ch or a lk (or both - chalk). Discounting consonants much more helpful than finding vowels, I change mine every day. Had one one. Very disappointing. Took me 5 today. Also disappointing.
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Daniel Lamb of Rochdale is this month's monthly badger draw winner. They win a rare Can I Have My Ball Back? celebrity pack (inclusing Right Bollock stress ball) and more!Next month it could be you http://gofasterstripe.com/badges
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Re @GeoffNorcott You’ve gone too far this time Norcott. Cancelled
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
RHLSTP is back at the Leicester Square Theatre for the next 7 Mondays! Come and see us if you canTickets here Or live stream (watch live or after) here https://richardherring.com/rhlstpt/tour https://www.leicestersquaretheatre.com/richard-herrings-leicester-square-theatre-podcast1/ http://gfsboxoffice.com
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Shame they're out of copies, but great you got the other stuff. Gofasterstripe is full of goodies. EQ still available in some outlets eg Or from me on tour gigs (not worth selling merch at LST due to commission.SmileyPockets 💙: @Herring1967 Sold out. 😔 Bought your cards and "Would you rather" instead though. So, not all bad.
#Herring1967 #RichardHerring :
Very glad you enjoyed it!Get it atJulie Baugh: @Herring1967 I love this book so much, not least because it has finally guven me the opportunity to tell my family all about my favourite gargoyle. In case you were interested, and frankly I'd tell you anyway, it's on St Peter's in Wolverhampton and it's a frog.