#Trans #activist Fae Johnstone says she feels “#violated and #traumatised ” after becoming the subject of a #transphobic #HateCampaign over her starring in a #Hersheys #advert .
Johnstone, the #ExecutiveDirector of #Wisdom2Action , was one of five #women #featured in Hershey’s #InternationalWomensDay #campaign in #Canada , appearing in a #commercial & on a specially-designed bar.
#StopTransHate #HumanRights #AntiBullying #Canadian #TransRights #RightToSafety
#trans #activist #violated #traumatised #transphobic #HateCampaign #hersheys #advert #executivedirector #wisdom2action #women #featured #internationalwomensday #campaign #canada #commercial #stoptranshate #humanrights #antibullying #canadian #transrights #righttosafety
Broke: being upset at Hershey’s because they put a trans woman on a chocolate bar wrapper
Woke: being upset at Hershey’s because they use child slave labor to harvest their chocolate
Bespoke: being upset at Hershey’s because their chocolate tastes like vomit
#TransRights #CultureWar #hersheys
#transrights #culturewar #hersheys
In further “Are the straights okay?” news… Gendered Chocolate Bars.
#arethestraightsokay #pointlesslygendered #transgender #transphobia #hersheys
#hersheys #transphobia #Transgender #pointlesslygendered #arethestraightsokay
Hershey character dance off at Hershey’s Chocolate World
The sad thing about the new #Hersheys ad campaign is that it literally feels exactly hot a right-wing parody of a left-wing pro #LGBT ad campaign
Like, maybe we weren't wrong that the left really doesn't care about trans people, if they're going to make such a mokery of them in public like this
Just spending the morning eating a nice #Hersheys chocolate bar and thinking about how wrong gatekeeping is. People who recently discovered they are geeks do not take anything from my experience as someone who has lived as a geek all my life. The more the merrier. 🥰
Over on the twatter, the #TERFs and #transphobes are calling for a #boycott of #hersheys because of the model they chose to put on the wrapper. As someone from the USA - let me warn you ahead of time, Hershey's #milkchocolate has a distinct taste - most like it, but many hate it.
I haven't touched Hershey's for decades because they don't ethically procure their chocolate - but if you're from Europe, you may not like their milk chocolate - you have been warned.
#terfs #transphobes #boycott #hersheys #milkchocolate
Checking in on #Twitter
"Hmm, let's see how things are going over there... Ah! Everyone wants to boycott, hmm, Hershey's because..."
*squints eyes*
"they added transwomen to their Women's History Month ad campaign... coolcoolcoolcool"
*closes tab*
#hersheys #trans #transgender #womenshistorymonth #boycott #transwomenarewomen
#transwomenarewomen #boycott #womenshistorymonth #Transgender #Trans #hersheys #Twitter
Tough luck for the city of #SmithsFalls, Ontario; after #CanopyGrowth announces it's closing it's cannabis plant and laying off 800 workers. via #CBCNews
The plant was once the home of #Hersheys Canada chocolate operations.
#smithsfalls #canopygrowth #cbcnews #hersheys
Sandy見愛犬選鹿希派氣噗噗! 曝臨產心聲…被牠當山丘越過XD https://www.alojapan.com/711475/sandy%e8%a6%8b%e6%84%9b%e7%8a%ac%e9%81%b8%e9%b9%bf%e5%b8%8c%e6%b4%be%e6%b0%a3%e5%99%97%e5%99%97%ef%bc%81%e3%80%80%e6%9b%9d%e8%87%a8%e7%94%a2%e5%bf%83%e8%81%b2%e8%a2%ab%e7%89%a0%e7%95%b6/
【 #萌寵明星粗乃玩 】每周三晚間9點首播 訂閱萌寵😽鈴鐺開起乃👉https://bit.ly/3d1ozMJ 我們也有IG喔🐶https://bit.ly/3TZKZOR
#cat #cutepet #diy #dog #hersheys #Okayama #Okayamadestinations #Okayamatour #okayamatravel #Okayamatrip #Okayamavacation #pet #sandy #travel #動物 #台灣旅遊 #吳姍儒 #吳珊儒 #呵喜 #咖啡廳 #寵物 #寵物友善 #寵物旅遊 #寵物溝通 #寵物節目 #寵物美容 #寵物飯店 #寵物餐廳 #岡山 #旅行 #旅遊 #旅遊節目 #旅遊行程 #明星動物 #明星寵物 #明星萌寵 #毛孩 #毛小孩 #民宿 #米克斯 #網美 #臘腸狗 #自駕 #萌宠 #萌寵日記 #萌寵明星出來玩 #萌寵明星粗乃玩 #藝人寵物 #阿喜
#萌寵明星粗乃玩 #cat #cutepet #diy #dog #hersheys #okayama #okayamadestinations #okayamatour #okayamatravel #okayamatrip #okayamavacation #pet #sandy #travel #動物 #台灣旅遊 #吳姍儒 #吳珊儒 #呵喜 #咖啡廳 #寵物 #寵物友善 #寵物旅遊 #寵物溝通 #寵物節目 #寵物美容 #寵物飯店 #寵物餐廳 #岡山 #旅行 #旅遊 #旅遊節目 #旅遊行程 #明星動物 #明星寵物 #明星萌寵 #毛孩 #毛小孩 #民宿 #米克斯 #網美 #臘腸狗 #自駕 #萌宠 #萌寵日記 #萌寵明星出來玩 #藝人寵物 #阿喜
#News: Global #food giants: #Nestle #PepsiCo #Hersheys #GeneralMills #Kelloggs provided $15m USD in funding to an "independent" think tank on #nutrition in America in exchange for favourable PR of their unhealthy, processed foods.
This is a form of greenwashing, where corporates fund and sponsor phony think-tanks in order to promote products that are unhealthy and toxic for the environment, animals and people. #Boycottpalmoil
Story via @TheGuardian_us
#news #food #nestle #pepsico #hersheys #generalmills #Kelloggs #nutrition #BoycottPalmOil
Fucking Hershey's #hersheys #chocolate
Could Lead & Cadmium be in Your Dark Chocolate? Sign petition to Trader Joe’s, Hershey’s, Mondelez & Theo Read the full petition.
#chocolate #petition #traderjoes #mondelez #hersheys #food
#Hersheys Sued for Millions Over Dark #Chocolate Allegedly Containing Excessive Levels of Lead and Cadmium https://lawandcrime.com/federal-court/hersheys-sued-for-millions-over-dark-chocolate-allegedly-containing-excessive-levels-of-lead-and-cadmium/
Love #chocolate. A lot. And #Hersheys is a fave. But this is very yikes! 😱😳😬 PS Thanks to @fuzztech for passing this along. https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/lead-and-cadmium-in-dark-chocolate-a8480295550/
@catchthebaby Oh I missed this! Ooof. Also (slightly joking) this might explain why I complain that Hershey's tastes like Draino to me. And Hershey's made Cadbury chocolate is NOT Cadbury's chocolate. ;) I am used to English chocolate which has a very different flavor. And I bellyache loudly about these chocolate bars. <grin>
#draino #cadbury #hersheys #chocolate
20 years after pledging to eradicate the use of #ChildLabor, #MarsGlobal #Hersheys #Nestlé are still profiting off of child #Slavery. Child labor is unethical and illegal – eradicate it now: https://act.credoaction.com/sign/stop-child-labor via @CREDOMobile #NuffSaid!
#nuffsaid #slavery #childlabor #hersheys #MarsGlobal #nestlé
I'm snacking on #HersheysKisses. Gorging myself is more accurate. Screw the doctors. And the nutritionist too. #Hersheys #youonlyliveonce
#hersheys #youonlyliveonce #hersheyskisses