#ThomasHertog - On the origin of #Time
#RI talk in which #Hertog discusses #StephenHawking's final #Theories on the origin of time and the #Universe, which they worked on for 20 years.
#RoyalInstitution #Cosmology #PhilosophyOfTime #Philosophy #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Physics #Life #Teleology #Evolution
#evolution #teleology #life #physics #astrophysics #astronomy #philosophy #philosophyoftime #cosmology #royalinstitution #universe #theories #stephenhawking #hertog #ri #time #thomashertog
🌌 "Thomas #Hertog et Stephen #Hawking, les deux font la paire" (La Science, CQFD, 14 avril 2023)
"Retour sur le parcours et la carrière du physicien théoricien Thomas Hertog. Pendant ses 20 ans de collaboration avec Stephen Hawking, comment sa vision de la #cosmologie moderne a-t-elle évolué ? Quel modèle a-t-il développé avec Stephen Hawking ?"
Thomas #Hertog, collaborator of the late #StephenHawking, claims his mentor came around to the theory of #evolutionary #universe with changing #laws of nature (and the reality of #time) - a theory offered yrs ago by Lee #Smolin, Roberto Mangabeira #Unger, but also Stuart #Kauffman among others - proposed just at the time Hawking published his notorious “Brief History of Time” bestseller.
#hertog #stephenhawking #Evolutionary #universe #laws #time #smolin #unger #kauffman
"The Universe is a hologram: Stephen Hawking's final theory, explained by his closest collaborator"
#BigBang #Physics #Cosmology #Universe #Time #Hawking #Hertog #Science
#Science #hertog #Hawking #Time #universe #cosmology #Physics #bigbang