The Theogony is an 8th-century BCE didactic and instructional poem, credited to the Greek poet Hesiod. #History #GreekMythology #Hesiod #Muse
#muse #hesiod #greekmythology #History
In Greek mythology, Tartarus was the lowest point of the universe, below the underworld but separate from it. #History #GreekMythology #Hades #Hesiod
#hesiod #hades #greekmythology #History
Interesting Greek mythology angle from Yanis Varoufakis:
In Greek mythology, Tartarus was the lowest point of the universe, below the underworld but separate from it. #History #GreekMythology #Hades #Hesiod
#hesiod #hades #greekmythology #History
Okay, #Homer (den zu lesen mir schon als Kind nix gegeben hat) verfasst aus "Unbehagen" gegen den "Krieger-Handel" der Adeligen seiner Zeit verklärend-heroisierende Fluchtliteratur über vergangene Zeiten, während sein Zeitgenosse #Hesiod "anti-aristokratische Kritik der Umwälzungen" betreibt, "die aus den neuen Marktbeziehungen und -praktiken erfolgten. Der Text schäumt geradezu vor Wut", meint #DavidMcNally.
Dann werde ich #WerkeUndTage wohl mal lesen.
(#BlutUndGeld, ab Seite 47)
#homer #hesiod #davidmcnally #werkeundtage #blutundgeld
Works and Days is an epic poem written in dactylic hexameter, credited to the 8th-century BCE Greek poet Hesiod. #History #GreekMythology #Hesiod #Pandora
#pandora #hesiod #greekmythology #History
Time for #mythologymonday! Since we've already talked about Ganymede's disappearance (ahem, kidnapping) in the #myth of #Aquarius... how about a myth about the #constellations #Libra and #Virgo?
In #GreekMythology, Astraea is the goddess of justice (or innocence/purity/truth). She lived in the Golden Age, before the rule of Zeus. Long story short, Zeus takes over, and the Ages pass... and things get awful!
By the Iron age, Astraea is horrified by the world & disappears (escapes?) into the stars, where she awaits the return of the Golden Age.
#Astronomy #Myth #Hesiod #Ovid #constellation #star
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#mythologymonday #myth #aquarius #constellations #libra #virgo #greekmythology #astronomy #hesiod #ovid #constellation #star
Time for #mythologymonday! Since we've already talked about Ganymede's disappearance (ahem, kidnapping) in the #myth of #Aquarius... how about a myth about the #constellations #Libra and #Virgo?
In #GreekMythology, Astraea is the goddess of justice (or innocence/purity). She lived in the Golden Age, before the rule of Zeus. Long story short, Zeus takes over, and the Ages pass... and things get awful!
By the Iron age, Astraea is horrified by the world & disappears (escapes?) into the stars, where she awaits the return of the Golden Age.
#mythologymonday #myth #aquarius #constellations #libra #virgo #greekmythology #astronomy #hesiod #ovid #constellation #star
#Zeus Teleios and #Hera Teleia are #gods that are made perfect in their #marriage. Their surnames quite literally translate to mean "having reached its end, finished, complete, perfect, entire, fulfilled" (LSJ).
#Hesiod says of Zeus: "Lastly, he made Hera his blooming wife: and she was joined in love with the king of gods and men, and brought forth #Hebe and #Ares and #Eileithyia" (Theogony, 921). She is His FINAL wife; a goddess chosen specially by Zeus to help him govern the cosmos.
In their #book "The Hera of Zeus: Intimate Enemy, Ultimate Spouse," scholars Gabriella Pironti and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge describe the will of Zeus as being identical to that of Hera. This truth is exemplified in the #Iliad—Hera, who is lobbying for a #Greek victory at #Troy, steers Zeus's mind when she feels he is acting in ways that contradict his will.
In the introduction to Richmond Lattimore's translation of the Iliad, it is mentioned how early in the Epic Cycle, Zeus decided the winners of the #Trojan war centuries before it even took place. Despite this, he favors the Trojans over the Greeks because of their unwavering piety. He additionally considers saving his son—Sarpedon—from dying on the battlefield, but Hera reminds him that in doing so, the rest of the deathless gods would have free reign to save their children, too.
Hera frequently challenges Zeus in this way. And #Homer describes these interactions as being explosive, with Zeus often threatening violence which sends Hera fleeing. Regardless of this, though, he eventually succumbs to her wishes, knowing full well that Her will is His, and the pair reconcile.
Gabriella Pironti and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge posit that the constant back-and-forth between the two divine sovereigns—Their endless falling apart and coming back together—serves as a cycle of renewal that balances the cosmos in perpetuity.
🌬🪶 #AncientGreekReligion #HellenicPagan #HellenicPaganism #HellenicPolytheism #HellenicPolytheist 🌬🪶
#Zeus #hera #gods #marriage #hesiod #hebe #ares #eileithyia #book #iliad #greek #troy #trojan #homer #ancientGreekreligion #hellenicpagan #hellenicpaganism #hellenicpolytheism #hellenicpolytheist
This month we learned about Hesiod's Ages of Man.
If you want to read an English translation, check out this free resource:
#Hesiod #Mythology
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Here's a list of what I've been working on/thinking about for the last week.
Featuring #duBoisReymond #Kant #Graeber #Lucretius #Hesiod #Spinoza #Bacon #McGilchrist #Arendt #Geertz #Piaget #Einstein #Wertheimer #Solon #Confucius #Buddhism #complexity #Logos #Althusser #Nietzsche #Spinoza #Marx #Schopenhauer #Montaigne #Kuhn #Nagel #Pythagoras #Popper #Gödel and more!
#godel #popper #Pythagoras #nagel #kuhn #montaigne #schopenhauer #marx #nietzsche #althusser #logos #complexity #buddhism #confucius #solon #wertheimer #einstein #piaget #geertz #arendt #McGilchrist #bacon #spinoza #hesiod #Lucretius #graeber #kant #duboisreymond
Study time today, catching up on module backlog for Open Uni. #hesiod #homer #classicalstudies
#classicalstudies #homer #hesiod