Des Moines showin' #solidarity with #BernieInIowa no matter how cold it is! 🔥🔥🔥
The PEOPLE are with #Bernie2020 and #HesWithUS
#NoMiddleGround #NotMeUs
Often imitated, never duplicated.
Accept no substitutes
#BernieOrBust 🔥🔥🔥🔥
RT leading the March Against Corporate Greed tonight in Des Moines.
#bernieorbust #onlyberniebeatstrump #notmeus #nomiddleground #heswithus #Bernie2020 #bernieiniowa #Solidarity
#UnionStrong #HesWithUS
The ideas I am talking to you about didn't come to me yesterday. These are ideas that I have fought for my entire life.
#bernieorbust #onlyberniebeatstrump #VotingRecordsMatter #notmeus #heswithus #unionstrong #berniesanders2020 #BernieCantBeBought #integrity #Consistent #stillbernie #stillsanders
#BernieSanders #OnlyBernie #BernieBeatsTrump
#NoMiddleGround #HesWithUS #NotMeUs
Rep. "When the federal government decided to discriminate and abandon my queer family and friends, Bernie Sanders was putting his career on the line for us."
#BernieSanders #notmeus #heswithus #nomiddleground #berniebeatstrump #onlybernie