@dredmorbius Not sure if you've had the pleasure, but I did develop a dictionary along similar lines with this hashtag
LASTWORDISM: what fools do when they haven't said enough.
POST-EMPIRE: the attitude of affirmation that wears a cynical smile; the dormant cruelty laid on top of the aesthetic barrenness of postmodernity; Warhol and friends celebrating on top of the disfigured bodies of undocumented workers who brought the lithographs into the Factory.
#heterodoxdictionary #postempire
POSTMODERN: the zombified narrative that survived the death of Grand Narratives; the crisis of critical distance; Andy Warhol's Factory building lithographs.
#heterodoxdictionary #postmodern
MELANCHOLY: the lethal omnipresence that underlies all outbursts of joy; the self's brutal encounter with itself.
#heterodoxdictionary #melancholy
LOVE: the hyphen between sadism and masochism.
#heterodoxdictionary #love #sadism #masochism
CONTEMPT: the underground tunnel between admiration and flattery.
#heterodoxdictionary #contempt
BOREDOM: default sentiment of modernity; the fault of the dull or lazy who expect to be entertained yet are incapable of seeing beyond the daily tedium.
#heterodoxdictionary #boredom #newsevendeadlyvices
HUMILITY: imposture that appeals to the jealous and petty; egotism that compromises itself for self-preservation.
#heterodoxdictionary #humility #newsevendeadlyvices
PRUDE: the mask of the hypocrite and the disguise of the self-loathing person who labors under the pretense that repression is good.
#heterodoxdictionary #prudery #newsevendeadlyvices
MEDIOCRITY: the inauthentic life that consists of banality,hackneyed cliches and derivative production; blind faith in normality and horror of the new.
#heterodoxdictionary #mediocrity #newsevendeadlyvices
SERIOUSNESS: the first and fatal step towards dogmatism, as well as hypocrisy and pretense; common ideological sinkhole of petty bullshit.
#heterodoxdictionary #seriousness #newsevendeadlyvices
IGNORANCE: the secret to conviction; the boundary of certainty.
#heterodoxdictionary #ignorance #newsevendeadlyvices
REVENGE: the act of branding those who have branded us, since we are all chattel stuck in the same pen of resentment.
INSOMNIA: sleeplessness that erases the multiplicity and diversity of life, leaving you with nothing but new obsessions.
#heterodoxdictionary #insomnia
EXPLORATION: the polite word for conquest; driven by inferiority complex and a failure to communicate effectively.
#heterodoxdictionary #exploration
ECSTASY: overwhelming bliss that extinguishes the contingent and particular, leaving you intoxicated with humanist delusions.
CHRIST: the ideal martyr-type who knew his ideas would triumph only through his own sacrifice.
#heterodoxdictionary #christ #jesus #martyr
HETERODOX DICTIONARY: tweet-sized apothegms that burrow deep and fester until the reader is thoroughly corrupted, wholly immune to all conventional dogma.
#heterodoxdictionary #heretic #dictionary #selfreference
CHRISTIAN: someone who thinks it is possible to die for another person's suffering.
#heterodoxdictionary #christian #christianity