Adding a couple more hashtags to this search for instances friendly to #feminist #heterodoxecon
Thanks so much!
#feminist #heterodoxecon #econmastodon #econtwitter
Hello! Would greatly appreciate advice on instances that would be friendly to #heterodoxecon #feminist #economists, #activists, and other #progressive #socialscientists. #JELCodeB54
#heterodoxecon #feminist #economists #activists #progressive #socialscientists #jelcodeb54 #labor #development #womensrights #macro #micro #households
Fast Forward: 3 amazing kids, who appreciate & challenge me. Watch out: I’m old but I know stuff & still learning! (BTW, anyone wanna show me how to work this consarn’ Linux CLI?): #Climate, #StopOil, #WereAllGonnaDie, #GreenNewDeal, #GND, #Gaia, #Love, #Solidarity, #CapitalismKills, Anti-Capitalism, #FreeSoftware, #GNULinux, #M4A, #FederalJobsGuarantee, #FJG, #DeficitMyth, #MMT ,#HeterodoxEcon, #Commons, #Socialism, #DSA 2/2
#climate #stopoil #wereallgonnadie #greennewdeal #gnd #gaia #love #solidarity #capitalismkills #freesoftware #gnulinux #m4a #federaljobsguarantee #FJG #DeficitMyth #mmt #heterodoxecon #commons #socialism #dsa
@LeMediaTV C'est moi qui fait de la projection ou le jeune Thomas rougit au côté de la belle Aude Lancelin? C'est fugace mais manifeste à 1m03s ... Ah ah difficile de réfléchir à Keynes...😙 #heterodoxecon