Loving D-Econ's updated mission statement so much that I submitted my name for consideration in their database of scholars. https://d-econ.org/mission/ #DecolonizingEconomics #HeterodoxEconomics #DEcon
#decolonizingeconomics #heterodoxeconomics #decon
Kate Raworth (author of #DoughnutEconomics) is not a hero we deserve, but certainly one we deeply, deeply need.
#HeterodoxEconomics (alternatives to our current, and broken, mainstream #Neoliberal economics)
#doughnuteconomics #heterodoxeconomics #neoliberal
Applications are open for the Joan Robinson Research Fellowship in #HeterodoxEconomics at Girton College. More information here: https://www.girton.cam.ac.uk/job-vacancies/joan-robinson-research-fellowship-heterodox-economics-0
Joan Robinson Research Fellowship in #HeterodoxEconomics
Applications are invited for the Joan Robinson Research Fellowship in Heterodox #Economics tenable for five years from 1st October 2023. This is a Research Fellowship under College Statutes, a post jointly supported by the College and the #Cambridge #Political #Economy Society Trust...
#heterodoxeconomics #economics #cambridge #political #economy
What impoverished field wouldn't want to equip students with tools and perspectives to understand the topics and objects of study from different perspectives?:
"[The economics] field’s prevalent understanding of ‘rigor’ allows only for ‘weak objectivity’ (following Harding, 1992) without providing space for alternative ways to make sense of social phenomena, let alone for ways to grasp structural oppression and inequalities."
#decolonizingeconomics #heterodoxeconomics
#decolonizingeconomics #heterodoxeconomics
Konto posiadam tutaj od 2021, ale korzystałem z niego co najwyżej okazyjnie, obecna sytuacja wydaje się więc być dobrą okazją na poprawne intro.
Raczej lurkuję niż postuję 🔎
Moje zainteresowania i hobby:
#Philosophy #Humanities #ComputerScience #Math #HeterodoxEconomics #CriticalTheory #WesternEsotericism #Drawing #Gaming #Anime
W pracy zajmuję się researchem, przetwarzaniem danych oraz automatyzacją procesów (#python #selenium) w ramach developmentu testów psychologicznych w formie cyfrowej.
#anime #selenium #python #gaming #drawing #westernesotericism #criticaltheory #heterodoxeconomics #math #computerscience #humanities #philosophy #introduction