These 3 apps have been essential in my recent #health and #fitness journey. #peloton #pelotonapp 🚴♂️ keeps me up to date on what my friends are doing & keeping up the spirit of healthy competition. Also love the huge library of core & strength workouts. Didn’t expect to use these so much. #hevy 💪🏼 helps me to track precise performance data & improvement from session to session. #lifesum 🍎 makes it easy to track & understand my daily nutrition & the delta of calories consumed & burned from my ⌚️ data
#health #fitness #peloton #pelotonapp #hevy #lifesum
I guess you could say I like #training. I absolutely love pushing myself in the gym. Snapshot of the last 30 days of lifting, courtesy of #Hevy.
#lifting #gym #workout #powerlifting #bodybuilding #deadlift #squat #benchpress #lifts #training #TeamMostHated #LiftEvil #mainlifts #strength #hypertrophy #TeamNoCardio #strengthtraining #LiveEasyLiftEvil #ViolenceOverVirtue
#training #hevy #lifting #gym #workout #powerlifting #bodybuilding #deadlift #squat #benchpress #lifts #teammosthated #liftevil #mainlifts #strength #hypertrophy #teamnocardio #strengthtraining #liveeasyliftevil #violenceovervirtue
#fehlbesetzung Herr Ebert macht witze und ist gleichzeitig a bisserl #reaktionär .
durch die hintertür kommt das #klimawandel - aber ...vllt doch nicht so viel Verantwortung / Schuld der human-induzierten Wirtschaft.
mal andersherum gesagt:
Ich frag mich, wie #MilliardenAutos und #hevy-duty #industry-prozesse der #world_scale_production
(sagen wir mal von Pestiziden und Dünger) NICHT das Klima beeinflussen sollen
kann man da klagen wegen #Befangenheit ?
was macht der Typ?
#Befangenheit #world_scale_production #industry #hevy #MilliardenAutos #klimawandel #reaktionär #fehlbesetzung