🐦It's time to catch the worm! Early-bird pricing for @HighEdWeb Annual Conference ends today. Act now to save up to $100. Meet you in Buffalo (or online)!
#HEWeb23 #HigherEducation #HigherEd #HEWeb #HESM #HEMktg https://events.highedweb.org/heweb23/registration
#HEWeb23 #highereducation #highered #heweb #hesm #hemktg
🙌 I'm so excited to add this staff position at HighEdWeb!
The assistant executive director will lead and help implement sponsorship, membership and marketing/communications efforts.
#nonprofit #hiring #heweb #highereducation
#nonprofit #hiring #heweb #highereducation
My journal has been staring at me for the last few days, begging me to 1. write up my notes from #HEWeb conference sessions, and 2. update my blog with road trip daily travel logs. These are in conflict with my day job dev tasks.
Today is the last day to nominate yourself (or someone else) for the new #WPCampus Board of Directors!
Here is our writeup on the process, which includes links to all of the data and resources: https://www.wpcampus.org/blog/2022/10/opening-nominations-for-wpcampus-board-of-directors/
If you are at all interested, please feel free to ping me with your thoughts, questions, hesitations, etc.
If you know someone who would be a good fit, please nominate them (or yourself) using our form: https://wpcampus.org/forms/nomination-for-wpcampus-director/
#WPCampus #wordpress #heweb #highered
Why yes, I *am* curious.
RT @wpcampusorg
Curious what happened after the #WPCampus Gutenberg #accessibility audit? Join @joedolson at #WPCampus 2020 Online (free event) as he shares outcomes from the report and the state of progress within #WordPress #a11y. https://2020.wpcampus.org/schedule/update-on-gutenberg-accessibility-audit/ #HigherEd #heweb #edtech
#edtech #heweb #highered #a11y #wordpress #accessibility #wpcampus
Even more positive sign — WPCampus has an RFP for a Gutenberg accessibility audit:
RT @wpcampusorg@twitter.com
#WPCampus has released a request for proposals seeking an #accessibility audit of the #WordPress “Gutenberg” editor. Check out our blog post for more information and to download the RFP. https://wpcampus.org/2018/10/gutenberg-a11y-audit-rfp/ #a11y #HigherEd #heweb
#wpcampus #accessibility #wordpress #a11y #highered #heweb