Dungeon 23 (Wk 12) Recap -
How I'm approaching wandering monsters/encounters; The Dungeon23 campaign loses its first PC!
#dungeon23 #playingdungeon23 #dnd #odnd #osr #ttrpg #javascript #php #hexdescribe
#dungeon23 #playingdungeon23 #DnD #odnd #osr #ttrpg #javascript #php #hexdescribe
me (architect voice): IT IS DONE.
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #generator #adnd #homebrew
My Etinerra generator... 766k size. 21,446 lines - probably 5% are blank/comments, so roughly 20k lines of content.
I'm at the end-end, starting to hate/love it. The end of the TODO list is in sight, maybe 3 hours more work?
I can generate for any hex, AD&D/1e based, campaign-canon, including if the hex has road, river, lake or is a coastal hex. I went deep.
It's been quite a journey. Now to play enough so that hexes need to be generated, huh? :D
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #generator #dmtools
Week 11 - Dungeon 23 - The Week Of Coding And Tool Creating For Dungeon Stocking
#dungeon23 #playingdungeon23 #dnd #odnd #osr #ttrpg #javascript #php #hexdescribe
#dungeon23 #playingdungeon23 #DnD #odnd #osr #ttrpg #javascript #php #hexdescribe
So... then I got the bright idea of having my version of the Swords & Wizardry treasure generator call my hosted version of hex-describe to get what the treasure is contained in and guarded/hidden by.
Umm... yea.
* async javascript fetches.
* setting values to Dom objects then parsing them.
OK, it's kinda cool that this works but... sheesh.
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #javascript #cors #ihatesit
I have a hammer and everything's looking like a nail...
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #dmtools #npcgenerator #adnd
Add some ye-olde businesses to your towns and villages - via S John Ross's Medieval Demographics and a public-domain random table generator!
#ttrpg #dnd #adnd #odnd #DmTools #HexDescribe #Medieval #Demographics #HexMaps
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #odnd #dmtools #hexdescribe #medieval #demographics #hexmaps
Well, not quite till the end of the day π
It's done. For now, I'll have this available at the table and we'll see what else I might want to use.
Starting to run out of things that I need to/want to tweak on my hex-describe project...
#hexdescribe #ttrpg #DnD #adnd #dmtools
Learning Reactive/Bootstrap by hacking this together. Looks great on a tablet, which is how I'll probably primarily use this... I should finish by end of day.
Not bad for not knowing perl/Reactive or Mojolicious...
Always making my tools/writings useful at the table!
#hexdescribe #ttrpg #dmtools #perl #reactive #mojolicious
Hacking away at hex-describe - I've now got a pattern for making my at-the-table ref tools page if I need a random NPC or monster or some such...
#hexdescribe #ttrpg #DnD #adnd #perl
Converted my campaign hex-generation spreadsheet to table-driven format
β Created new encounter tables for terrains that current games are running in
β Set up local server to run the hex-describe server/software
β Converted my table dev environment to use my local setup
πββοΈWorking on my "TODO" items
... and still doing Dungeon23 as well! 4th level is almost fully drawn.
#hexdescribe #hexmaps #ttrpg #DnD #adnd #dungeon23
It's been two weeks and almost 17k of lines added to a text file, but I finally am at a point where my Etinerra campaign specific hex-describe file is functional enough to be useful.
Lots of little bits on my TODO list, but I can use this as it is now and be way quicker about game-prep for newly-trodden lands.
Between a diversion into Medieval Demographics tables, and flattening the AD&D treasure/npc party/monster content...
So worth it
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #DnD #hexmaps
This morning's project - redoing my encounter tables and putting them into hex-describe.
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #hexmaps #adnd #DnD
Palaces are done! These are rare, but huge ruin complexes with a lot of areas for monsters to be and players to go play in. It would be a major event to go raid these.
Now for a few "smaller" major ruin areas to write up and then I'll have only 1 encounter type left to put in place.
(I'm not thinking about the variations in monster encounter types and encounter %s due to diff terrain types, tyvm! Small moves, Ellie! Small moves!)
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #hexmap #hexmaps #DnD
Getting to the finish line of this table generator. The ruins get a lot of detail since they're a likely destination for players!
#ttrpg #hexdescribe #DnD #hexmaps #hexmap
Next major encounter type of "religious site" is done for my hex-describe tables. Two left to go - ruins/dungeons and "natural effects"...
#hexdescribe #ttrpg #hexmap #hexmaps #hex23
I'm at that point in this little project where the foundations are starting to come together and I'm rolling out stuff into my generator tables faster.
I finished small towns pretty fast - decoding the AD&D sages rules and info into tables is what took me a little bit.
Now on to regular sized towns, revisit some fixes to the villages and hamlets and I'm done with settlements for the time being!
#hexdescribe #ttrpg #DnD #hexmap #hexmaps
Small town generation is complete! Even got thieves guilds up and running!
#ttrpg #hex23 #hexmap #hexdescribe #DnD
I'm sharing my "Medieval Demographics for hex-describe" tool here if you want to look at it.
This is WIP. You'll see me futzing with it, probably.
Make a copy.
I've put instructions and a beginning FAQ in it.
I can't say this enough - this is tuned for my campaign. You should tweak this for your own campaign.
I should make this into a blog post.
#ttrpg #dmtip #tools #dnd #hexdescribe #hex23 #hexmap #hexmaps #randomgeneration
#ttrpg #DMtip #tools #DnD #hexdescribe #hex23 #hexmap #hexmaps #randomgeneration