Early into #Hexham to drop car off for its annual service and MOT #HexhamAbbey
Friday’s #ImageOfTheDay.
St #Etheldreda (Aethelthryth) died #OnThisDay in 679. Queen to Ecgfrith of Northumbria, she endowed lands to St Wilfrid enabling him to found his Cathedral at Hexham in 674. In this icon she is holding Wilfrid’s church at #HexhamAbbey.
#hexhamabbey #onthisday #etheldreda #imageoftheday
#ImageOfTheDay on #TrinitySunday.
The three-cornered “triquetra” on the Anglo-Saxon Frith Stool in #HexhamAbbey. The stone seat dates from the 7th century & was probably placed in his new Cathedral by St Wilfrid himself. The motif has been seen as a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
#hexhamabbey #trinitysunday #imageoftheday
#ImageOfTheDay on #Easter Wednesday.
Christ rising from the tomb surrounded by an aureole of glory.
A 15th century painting on the reredos in the Ogle Chantry at #HexhamAbbey, #Northumberland.
#northumberland #hexhamabbey #easter #imageoftheday
@stroppypanda Thank you 🙏🏽 x
It was so very beautiful. #HexhamAbbey achieved a wonderful tribute 🕊
#SilentSunday: Sept 2021, visited #HexhamAbbey, to remember the many friends, colleagues, & patients I lost to #COVID
We sat in awe & silence as we watched the illumination change upon #HeavenlyAngels: ‘On Angels Wings’ from the high altar to the choir seating.
Each Angel representing a life lost. We remember you 🙏🏽
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #heavenlyangels #COVID #hexhamabbey #silentsunday
#TynedaleOnThursday: St Mary’s Chare in #Hexham. St Mary’s was the town’s original parish church, demolished at the Reformation when the dissolved Augustinian Priory took over its function. The street cuts through the site of the church from the market square east of #HexhamAbbey.
Dedicated to our favourite indie bookshop, #CogitoBooks in St Mary’s Chare!
#cogitobooks #hexhamabbey #hexham #tynedaleonthursday
My hometown Hexham lost its title of happiest place to live in the UK today. But we carry on regardless. Tonight, it was Ignite, the festival of flame event, at the historic Hexham Abbey.
My hometown Hexham lost its title of happiest place to live in the UK today. But we carry on regardless. Tonight, it was Ignite, the festival of flame event, at the historic Hexham Abbey.