I have expended tremendous energy hexing Elon Musk.

Glad to see it is starting to pay off.

SpaceX Starship rocket goes KABOOM~

#hexxxate #prettygnosticmachine

Last updated 2 years ago

"...and conservative father shall be turned against liberal son,
liberal daughter against conservative mother,
and conservative and liberal friends against one another." 

- Talkus Fistus, ancient Roman sage and polymorphous perverse sibyl/scribbler.

From his Pultizer prize winning autobiography, Mein gnostischer Kampf.

#hexxxate #gnosticism #prettygnosticmachine

Last updated 2 years ago

Speaking of bad people:

I am V-1 Flying Bomb aimed for Jehovah-Nobodaddy’s Head.


I make all the big, bad conservatives go


I have become DEATH,
Destroyer of Aeons!


Last updated 2 years ago

After 5 minutes of reading a QAnon message board one thing becomes glaringly obvious: A MAGAt “high” on conspiracy theories is clearly, absurdly one of the most dangerous creatures imaginable.

Der Bürgerkrieg ist ein geistlicher Krieg!

#hexxxate #current911 #fistfuck

Last updated 2 years ago