Nächste Woche erscheint ein Interview zur
#Deportation jüdischer Menschen aus dem Südwesten Deutschlands. Sie wurden ohne Absprache mit den französischen Stellen quer durch das Gebiet des Vichy-Regimes in das Lager #Gurs am Fuß der Pyrenäen verschleppt.
Dieser Transport gilt als eine Art zynische Übung für die massenhafte Deportation während des #Holocaust. Adolf #Eichmann war auch hier schon beteiligt.
Reinhard #Heydrich berichtete von den Vorgängen:
#deportation #gurs #Holocaust #eichmann #heydrich
#WeRemember #Auschwitz #NieWieder
The Third Reich was made possible by the people who didn't stand up against it. I reckon 99.99%. Just like today with the eco and climate clusterfuck.
One of them was grandfather (and his wife).
He had just finished law school and got appointed judge in 1933.
On photos one can see how, by 1936 and in very good health, his face looks more and more gaunt with a resigned expression in his eyes. He did NOT like the system he was speaking law for.
But by then, he had 2 sons with my grandma, was the sole family provider and felt he couldn't change anything, anyway. So he stayed. As system enabler.
My grandma's cousin was a true Nazi sociopath. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Tschierschky
He joined the SA as early as 1926 when he was 20, and then proceeded to a nice career as SS-Standartenführer, "the man for the dirty work" for #Heydrich, and later for #Himmler.
Among other atrocities he was co-responsible for the execution of the 300,000 jews in the Baltic regions as deputy commander of the Einsatzgruppe A.
I wasn't aware of this until only a few years ago when I browsed my father's family history and googled the name.
What happened back then can happen again. 80% of the population never stands up against anything.
In my view, this IS already happening again, in the form of passive apathy or active unwillingness to do what has become necessary wrt #climate and #biodiversity .
And I am like my grandfather: too late did I realise the stakes and I also let the assholes in government do what they were doing without fulfilling my citizen duty to inform myself of the clusterfuck. Until 2018. Too late.
#weremember #auschwitz #niewieder #heydrich #himmler #climate #biodiversity
🎧 Je to nejvzácnější 🇨🇿 poklad, střežený v tajemné komnatě na Pražském hradě - #Korunovačníklenoty. Jaké legendy se o nich tradují? A je pravda, že si korunu na hlavu nasadil i #Heydrich? Ve #Vinohradska12 o nich vypráví redaktorka Lucie Korcová.
Celý díl 👉 https://irozhl.as/jKR
#korunovacniklenoty #heydrich #vinohradska12