Hey, Trump!
To help you get things in perspective, think of your predicament like this:
It’s a BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK. Special counsel Jack Smith is the Spencer Tracy character, and you’re the guy Ernest Borgnine played. Got that? Good.
You have a nice day.
#DonaldTrump #JackSmith #TrumpIndicted #January6 #BadDayAtBlackRock #HeyTrump #AssKicking
#asskicking #heytrump #baddayatblackrock #January6 #trumpindicted #jacksmith #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
Wait, wait!
Don’t tell me.
It’s Obama’s fault! 🤣
You’re going to prison.
#DonaldTrump #TrumpIndicted #January6 #FakeElectors #JackSmith #HeyTrump
#heytrump #jacksmith #fakeelectors #January6 #trumpindicted #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
Meadows is heading for greener pastures.
Your ass is grass; lawn order is about to cut you down.
The mow, the merrier!
This has been mulch ado about criming. 😉
#CriminalTrump #HeyTrump #MarkMeadows
#markmeadows #heytrump #criminaltrump
Hey, Trump!
A few good doses of Ivermectin and a bright light up your backside should work wonders to rid you of those pesky indictments. Actually, that’s pure bullshit. You’re going to prison.
#HeyTrump #DonaldTrump #CriminalTrump #JackSmith #AlvinBragg #FaniWillis #LetitiaJames
#letitiajames #FaniWillis #AlvinBragg #jacksmith #criminaltrump #DonaldTrump #heytrump
“I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
~ U.S. Secret Service
Oath of Office
Hey, Trump!
Your ignorant MAGA base is clueless, but the rest of AMERICA KNOWS YOU’RE AN ENEMY OF THE CONSTITUTION. Has it never occurred to you that your Secret Service detail may well include at least one patriotic American who takes their oath of office seriously, and will honor it?
#TraitorTrump #BeAfraid #HeyTrump
#heytrump #BeAfraid #traitortrump
Hey, Trump!
If, instead of being a lazy lummox, you had moved your “Beautiful Mind” boxes yourself, without saying anything to anyone, you may well have gotten away with your crime. Think of all the witnesses and evidence that wouldn’t exist today.
You were sloppy, and you’re still sloppy. You, Mr. Trump, are too damned stupid to be a criminal. Ultimately, it’s your hubris that will do you in.
#HeyTrump #MaraLagoDocuments
Hey, Trump!
After hearing that great evidence, the Bedminster recording of you showing off a classified document, it looks like your cheap orange marmalade-slathered ass will be spending some time in prison. “It’s so cool!”
#HeyTrump #BedminsterRecordings #MaraLagoDocs #JackSmith
#jacksmith #maralagodocs #bedminsterrecordings #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
I just heard the tape of you discussing a classified military document that you were showing off in Bedminster. You’re missing those good ol’ days when the so-called “pee tape” was the worst of your worries, aren’t you? Of course, you are.
The Bedminster recording wasn’t a “pee tape,” but you can definitely count on it to land you in some really deep shit.
#DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocs #BedminsterTapes #JackSmith #CriminalTrump #HeyTrump
#heytrump #criminaltrump #jacksmith #bedminstertapes #maralagodocs #DonaldTrump
LIBS: Hey, Trump! Do you know whose ass
special counsel Jack Smith is going
to kick harder than anyone else’s?
TRUMP: [silence]
LIBS: That’s a resounding, “YES!”
If this is “owning the libs”…
Please, “sir,” may we have more?
“Sir,” you’re going to prison.
“MAGA” now stands for
“Making Accountability Great Again.”
#DonaldTrump #JackSmith #OwningTheLibs #MAGA #MakingAccountabilityGreatAgain #HeyTrump
#heytrump #DonaldTrump #makingaccountabilitygreatagain #MAGA #owningthelibs #jacksmith
Hey, Trump!
“Beautiful Mind” boxes?
Are you fucking kidding me?!
There’s NOTHING “beautiful” about YOUR mind, you insecure, self-aggrandizing, twisted, ignorant, sociopathic, insurrectionist, fascistic, mendacious, document-stealing piece of shit.
Those aren’t “Beautiful Mind” boxes. They’re insecure, self-aggrandizing, twisted, ignorant, sociopathic, insurrectionist, fascistic, mendacious, document-stealing piece of shit boxes.
#DonaldTrump #MaraLagoDocs #BeautifulMindBoxes #HeyTrump
#heytrump #beautifulmindboxes #maralagodocs #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
For a while, you were playing things nonchalantly, as if you felt certain you were on a roll. But since that first indictment, and in the immediate wake of the second, you’ve been something of a blind dung beetle. You keep losing your shit.
#DonaldTrump #DungBeetleDonald #DungBeetle #TrumpShit #LosingHisShit #CriminalTrump #TrumpIndictments #MAGA #HeyTrump
#heytrump #MAGA #TrumpIndictments #criminaltrump #losinghisshit #TrumpShit #dungbeetle #dungbeetledonald #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
Kool-Aid is like grain alcohol. If you guzzle it, taking in too much, it can kill you. You’ve been guzzlin’. The Kool-Aid is proving toxic. Keep tankin’ ‘em back. Slake your thirst.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #CriminalTrump #January6 #MaraLagoDocs #ElectionTampering #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #DOJ #TrumpIndictments #IndictmentsAreComing #HeyTrump
#heytrump #indictmentsarecoming #TrumpIndictments #doj #MerrickGarland #jacksmith #electiontampering #maralagodocs #January6 #criminaltrump #Trump #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
You’re a self-proclaimed “stable genius” who, unsurprisingly, doesn’t know jack. But don’t worry about that, because Jack definitely knows YOU.
You’re going to prison.
#DonaldTrump #Trump #JackSmith #MerrickGarland #CriminalTrump #MaraLagoDocuments #EspionageAct #January6 #ElectionInterference #TaxFraud #WireFraud #LockHimUp #HeyTrump
#MerrickGarland #jacksmith #heytrump #lockhimup #wirefraud #taxfraud #electioninterference #January6 #espionageact #maralagodocuments #criminaltrump #Trump #DonaldTrump
Hey, Trump!
When you gripe and whine that someone is a “never-Trumper,” you’re behaving as if that’s a bad thing. Dude, you’re an abject asshoIe, morally bankrupt, incorrigible. Being a never-Trumper is a good thing — a very good thing.
Now, let’s talk about your upcoming prison sentences. Or are you still entertaining making a run for it? Chances are you’ll be seeking asylum with Khashoggi-killer MBS, because things are looking pretty inauspicious for your pimp-daddy, Putin.
#HeyTrump #Trump
Pence knows how it feels to fear you; you’re a thug who “allegedly” called him a “pussy”.
Pence will inevitably testify before a grand jury re election interference and your attempted coup. You may manage to delay his testimony, but not for long.
Do tell, Mr. Trump, what’s it like to really fear a man you’ve “allegedly” called a “pussy”?
#HeyTrump #Trump #DonaldTrump #MikePence #JackSmith #January6 #AttemptedCoup #ElectionInterference #TrumpSoScared
#trumpsoscared #electioninterference #attemptedcoup #January6 #jacksmith #mikepence #DonaldTrump #Trump #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
Pay very, very close attention to what Lady Justice does with Jack Teixeira, because you’re going get a lifetime supply of it, you treasonous, insurrectionist clown.
#HeyTrump #DonaldTrump #MoreIndictmentsAreComing #JackTeixeira #EspionageAct #DocumentTheft
#documenttheft #espionageact #jackteixeira #moreindictmentsarecoming #DonaldTrump #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
Guess which of these 2016 POTUS nominees is going to be locked up.
HINT: It’s the ugly glowering bastard, in the blue suit and red tie, standing behind former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
#HeyTrump #DonaldTrump #LockHimUp #MoreIndictmentsAreComing #MAGA
#MAGA #moreindictmentsarecoming #lockhimup #DonaldTrump #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
The only crying you’ll ever see in courtrooms when you’re a defendant will be tears of joy.
#HeyTrump #IndictmentsAreComing
#indictmentsarecoming #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
The next time you need of some quick pocket “change,” don’t grift your gullible supporters. Instead, sell your remains to multibillionaire Harlan Crow in advance of your passing. I’m confident he’d make you a generous offer; he’s really into collecting old Nazi shit.
#HeyTrump #DonaldTrump #Trump #MAGA #HarlanCrow #Nazi #Nazis
#nazis #nazi #harlancrow #MAGA #Trump #DonaldTrump #heytrump
Hey, Trump!
We already know that you’re going to have a fake medical crisis to drum up attention, and fuel a MAGA pity party from which to launch another call for donations from the same idiots who believe you’re a billionaire.
So, what’s the bogus health issue going to be? Don’t say the “bone spurs” routine. Like you, it’s old, tired, insincere, and it won’t work.
#HeyTrump #DonaldTrump #MoreIndictmentsAreComing
#moreindictmentsarecoming #DonaldTrump #heytrump