Untitled I
by Heyvard
*analog modular synths & handmade synths by dedicated makers performed by Heyvard
Heyvard is a Sonic Artist/Improviser from Hong Kong. He experiments with Noise/Electronics by using analog modular and digital synthesis, handmade synths by dedicated makers, electroacoustics, electromagnetic field, etc., to create abstract, progressive and otherworldly sound voyages.
#synthdrone #synthnoise #analog #synth #heyvard #noise #drone
#mondaydronedetox #synthdrone #synthnoise #analog #synth #heyvard #noise #drone
The Nudes Flying Free in the Colourful Sky
by Heyvard
Heyvard is a Sonic Artist/Improviser from Hong Kong. He experiments with Noise/Electronics by using analog modular and digital synthesis, handmade synths by dedicated makers, electroacoustics, electromagnetic field, etc., to create abstract, progressive and otherworldly sound voyages.
#heyvard #noise #electronicmusic #sonicart#synth #experimentalmusic #ambient #drone
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#apocalypsenowplaying #heyvard #noise #electronicmusic #sonicart #experimentalmusic #ambient #drone #muteantsounds #netlabel