@alex @kr8e Made some progress today building my DX Commander Classic. Between being legally blind, temps 110°/43.3° + every day progress is slow.
#HFantenna #DXCommander
Well... stiff and sore as I am, it's a sunny sunday with almost no wind, and it's not HOT out.
THIS is the perfect time to work on some #HamRadio #HfAntenna adjustments which have been waiting since the snow fell. Raise the apex a few more feet, snug up the top guy lines, switch to a new shorter cable run (the LONG cable is going to a vertical, further away).
We'll see how much I get done before I can't bear it anymore. Already sore from yesterday's plumbing project.
I mean let's face it, that's a beautiful sky, and a beautiful #HamRadio #hfAntenna ...with an Abe Lincoln style stovepipe hat on top of it, made of snow.
It's great to have an #InvertedVee #dipole that's perfectly tuned for wherever I'm operating. As shown here, it's set for 6m... where I don't expect to see much action today, but one never knows.
#HamRadio #hfantenna #invertedvee #dipole
You used the drone to position your antenna wire?
I would like to hear more about this!
#amateurradio #hfantenna #skyloop