@bradbrownjr as an update, I managed to get SoundModem set up, but as soon as I set RTS or DTR to "on" for the SoundModem CAT settings, and USB SEND to RTS or DTR in the rig, the #IC7300 goes into transmit. At that point I gave up for now.
(I'm not asking *you* for help, but recording my observations).
(For the peanut gallery: Yes, Linux. I know how to use Linux, but I'm not in the mood to swap a USB cable and maintain two devices for this sort of thing.) #packetRadio #HFpacket
#hfpacket #packetradio #ic7300
So I grabbed a trial of #Crossover (python magic et al) to do all the complicated parts of installing #RmsExpress (for Windows) into a #LinuxMac.
That works fine, on its own. Can do a telnet connection, and get mail.
It's built-in #ARDOP does not work, but only because it can't do the radio control bit, because... I dunno, something with "com1" or "com2" not being real things.
The IDEAL thing would be for this to be able to just use some Linux-based soundcard modem.
#crossover #rmsexpress #linuxmac #ARDOP #hfpacket #HamRadio
We (the #packetradio bros) are going ahead and publicising a “new” packet location on 10m for #hfpacket #ARDOP #robustpacket #VARAHF and #FX25 300b. “Net10”: https://eindhoven.space/radio-experiments/packet-radio/where-to-find-packet-on-10-meter-band-us-eu/
It’ll be easy for KAM-tone TNCs as well using 28.140MHz LSB, AX25/FX25 inverts to USB for the other modes so dial freq for the multimode stations is 28.1371 USB @ tone pair 1000hz center frequency. See link for chart, much easier.
#FX25 #varaHF #robustpacket #ARDOP #hfpacket #packetradio
A very important PSA especially the second half. #packetradio outreach #hfpacket #meow
A full length demonstration showing a 900km link beyond line of sight.
Using robust narrowband data transport bouncing off the ionosphere to access the Hacker News website as well as pull an article across the link.
The link is bidirectional and interactive. Using 500hz bandwidth.
Later in the demonstration the same data is pulled directly over the internet as a speed comparison, showing that the shortwave method is indeed quite usable.