Dusting off the #vinyl collection this fine sunday. starting off with “choose your weapon” by #HiatusKaiyote. great chill vibes for a #sundayspin.
#vinyl #hiatuskaiyote #sundayspin #records #music
Seeing Hiatus Kaiyote was super fun.
Next up is FiDi in 7 hours for a 9/11 5K. 🏃♂️ 🏃♂️ 🏃♂️
“Red Room.” Hiatus Kaiyote 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46Tm9-7i7E
#hiatuskaiyote #music #jazz #funk
Someone knew I had been down lately. So they made sure they brought me one of my favorite things in the world after the #concert. The #setlist. One from last night and another from of my favorite shows this year. #HiatusKaiyote and #TheRoots. Weeeeeeeeee!
Starting off the new year off with TWO setlists. This is a good sign. At least I hope it is. 🤞🏾
#concert #setlist #hiatuskaiyote #theroots #music
Today in “music you should be checking out,” Hiatus Kaiyote. They’re incredible, but I’d start with their banger “Molasses.”
Wow. #HiatusKaiyote's "Choose Your Weapon" is getting re-released as a lush vinyl pressing.
Defo worth checking them out via your favourite streaming service at least. Their lush jazz-funk has me moving across our flat like I've been infected by the Spirit of Jazz.
I heard some of their stuff on Giles Peterson's "Brownswood Bubblers" comp, and found they had a song about Miyazaki's Laputa, which was enough to check them out.
#ArielPink #AtlasSound #AllahLas #SunstackJones #BlackSubmarine #CutCopy #AtomsForPeace #DavidBowie #MyMorningJacket #HiatusKaiyote #AphexTwin #AFX #Mew #Bibio #BlackLips #SufjanStevens #FleetFoxes #ShugoTokumaru #Blur #TheChameleons #ChameleonsUK #LedZeppelin #VashtiBunyan #AmorDeDias #FutureIslands #FatherJohnMisty #JohnFahey #RichardAshcroft #Raveonettes #TheWarOnDrugs #Cornelius #TheHorrors #ShyeBenTzur #Sulk #Westkust #Air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #MBV
#arielpink #atlassound #allahlas #sunstackjones #blacksubmarine #cutcopy #atomsforpeace #davidbowie #mymorningjacket #hiatuskaiyote #AphexTwin #afx #mew #bibio #blacklips #sufjanstevens #fleetfoxes #shugotokumaru #blur #thechameleons #chameleonsuk #ledzeppelin #vashtibunyan #amordedias #futureislands #fatherjohnmisty #johnfahey #richardashcroft #raveonettes #thewarondrugs #cornelius #thehorrors #shyebentzur #sulk #westkust #air #iamamiwhoami #MyBloodyValentine #mbv
#LowCutConnie, The Royal Screw
#AlGreen, I Can't Get Next To You
#AlexChilton, If You Would Marry Me Babe
#CarolinaChocolateDrops, Run Mountain
#TheMountainGoats, Waco
#TheMinus5, Michael Nesmith
#BobDylan, You're Gonna Make Me Loneesome When You Go
#HiatusKaiyote, Cicada
#hiatuskaiyote #bobdylan #theminus5 #themountaingoats #carolinachocolatedrops #AlexChilton #algreen #lowcutconnie #TheMorningLine
#ListeningTo #BandcampWeekly March 16, #2021 https://bandcamp.com/?show=434 Essential tunes by #JimiTenor, plus new #HiatusKaiyote, #GretchenParlato, and #FimberBravo. Hosted by #AndrewJervis
#jimitenor #hiatuskaiyote #FimberBravo #listeningto #bandcampweekly #GretchenParlato #AndrewJervis