Astuce #Vivaldi #Desktop :
Il est possible, pour économiser un peu de ressources, de mettre manuellement des (piles d')onglets en #hibernation
Avec les nouvelles versions de Chromium, il est possible d'automatiser cette mise en hibernation via une option en chrome://settings/performance
Via le flag chrome://flags/#memory-saver-multi-state-mode, l'option permet de définir un délai d'inactivité fixe de l'onglet avant mise en hibernation.
Une liste est dispo pour exclure des url de l'hibernation.
#vivaldi #desktop #hibernation In 📆 2018, viable nematodes from late #Pleistocene were discovered that had remained in #SuspendedAnimation for 46,0000 years ⌛ in Siberian permafrost. The longest term #cryptobiosis is the case of a Bacillus spore preserved in the abdomen of bees buried in amber for 25 to 40 million years.
#Hibernation in primates :
#pleistocene #suspendedanimation #cryptobiosis #hibernation
Figuring out my talk schedule for #ESA2023 is tough! There are tons of interesting talks, which often happen at the same time! In fact, the two talks that I found most interesting out of the entire conference are scheduled for exactly the same time! Gaaaaah!
I guess this is one problem that I would rather have than not have. 😆
While we are on this topic, if you are interested in the drivers of daily #torpor and #hibernation in #birds and #mammals, come to my talk:
#esa2023 #torpor #hibernation #birds #mammals
PhD position in hibernation physiology
Université de Montréal
Join us in #Montreal as a #PhD student to investigate how the #gutmicrobiome affects #hibernation & whether it may one day benefit #humanspaceflight!
See the full job description on jobRxiv:
#ScienceJobs #hiring #res...
#res #hiring #ScienceJobs #humanspaceflight #hibernation #gutmicrobiome #phd #montreal
Make Use Of: 4 Ways to Fix Hibernate Mode Not Working on Windows #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #WindowsErrors #Hibernation #Windows10 #Windows11 #Windows
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #WindowsErrors #hibernation #windows10 #windows11 #windows
Animals that sleep through hot summers are said to undergo #estivation (#aestivation in BrE). 🥵😴
As opposed to #hibernation, which is sleeping through winters.
I think I have just found the perfect #English word to describe how I’ve been feeling these days. 😆
#estivation #aestivation #hibernation #english
PhD position in hibernation physiology
Université de Montréal
Join us in #Montreal as a #PhD student to investigate how the #gutmicrobiome affects #hibernation & whether it may one day benefit #humanspaceflight!
See the full job description on jobRxiv:
#ScienceJobs #hiring #res...
#res #hiring #ScienceJobs #humanspaceflight #hibernation #gutmicrobiome #phd #montreal
My latest piece goes to some unusual places - Stepping metabolic rates down in a reliable way by modulating a deep brain region is now real. We’ll also explore a few parallels with the ‘hypersleep’ technology in science fiction. #aliens #hypersleep #torpor #hibernation
(If you like Aliens the movie, you might like this piece)
#aliens #hypersleep #torpor #hibernation
#Guardian 📆 25 May 2023 #Hibernation 😴 artificially triggered in potential #SpaceTravel breakthrough.
When stimulated, the mice showed a drop in body #temperature 🌡️of about 3C for about one hour. The mice’s metabolism also shifted from using both carbohydrates and fat for energy to only fat, a key feature of torpor, and their heart rates fell by about 47%, all while at room temperature.
The scientists also developed an automatic closed-loop feedback system that delivered an ultrasound 🔊 pulse to keep the mice in the induced torpor if they showed signs of warming up. This allowed the mice to be kept at 33C in the hibernation-like state for 24 hours ⏳. When the ultrasound system was switched off, they woke up again.
#guardian #hibernation #spacetravel #temperature
Today's blog post links to articles about medical advances that seem like they are taken from a science fiction novel.
This research is literally COOL.
Imagine sleeping through long flights!
Hibernation artificially triggered in potential space travel breakthrough
If discovery is feasible in humans it could be used to send astronauts into suspended animation, say scientists
#science #biology #neurology #hibernation #medicine #spaceexploration
#science #biology #neurology #hibernation #medicine #spaceexploration
Why does the #debian installer in the default #LUKS #LVM installation still use a #swap partition size of 1GB?
Why doesn't create it with the actual size of the RAM, so that it can be used for #hibernation?
I forget it everytime, and thus I have to reboot with a debian rescue stick in order to resize the filesystems and LVMs manually.
#hibernation #swap #lvm #luks #debian
Switchable neural components in turtles. Perhaps not surprising but certainly extraordinary! The source paper:
"Responses of the in vitro turtle brain to visual and auditory stimuli during severe hypoxia", Ariel et al. 2023
"North American pond turtles (Emydidae) are renowned for their ability to survive extreme hypoxia and anoxia, which enables several species to overwinter in ice-locked, anoxic freshwater ponds and bogs for months."
These qualities make turtles fantastic laboratory animals for neuroscience research:
"Large-scale mapping of cortical synaptic projections with extracellular electrode arrays", Shein-Idelson et al. 2017
#neuroscience #reptiles #Testudines #turtles #vision #CerebralCortex #hibernation
#hibernation #cerebralcortex #vision #turtles #testudines #reptiles #neuroscience
When red-eared sliders sink to the bottom of a frozen pond for winter they reduce many biological systems to minimum life support and now it turns out that they temporarily lose their sight due to lack of oxygen but retain hearing
#hibernation #turtle #hypoxiatolerance #zoology #comparativephysiology #biology
For the full research article by Ariel, Ahuja and Warren go to
#hibernation #turtle #hypoxiatolerance #zoology #comparativephysiology #biology
My plan for the rest of the year
May - September: travel, visit friends, do some gardening, buy books, buy shelves, buy more books.
Late September, early October: Buy enormous amounts of food
Late October - February 2024: Hibernate to eat food and read books.
The end.
#MyYearOff #Hibernation #Bookstodon #Gardening
#gardening #bookstodon #hibernation #myyearoff “By examining blood from humans experiencing chronic #immobilization, healthy volunteers on extendedBedRest, and free-ranging #BrownBears during their periods of activity and #hibernation, Thienel et al. identified specific #proteins that are down-regulated during periods of prolonged immobility and protect from #thrombosis”
#immobilization #brownbears #hibernation #proteins #thrombosis
I must admit I didn’t know this about bees. An important message about what to do if you see a bumble bee on the ground.
#Bees #Hibernation Why are there so many bumblebees on the ground?
Feel like #spring is brilliant and I’m loving more light and #warmth but it’s tricky coming out of #hibernation ! Lazy winter is hard to shake off ha ha