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Malicious from the so-called campaign hundreds of , and at least two slipped past Google's , April 28, 2020

GOOGLE'S PLAY STORE for has a for the strictest from .

and even !!?

security firm today plan to present research about a campaign they call PhantomLance, in which spies in the Play Store to in , , , and .

Unlike most of the shady apps found in malware, Kaspersky's researchers say, 's apparently in with the aim of only some hundreds of users..

Play as a ??," says Kaspersky researcher Alexey Firsh. "You can deliver a link to this app, and the victim will trust it because it’s Google Play??"


DAVIDV. APP STORES were never needed.. There is zero reason to list your Applicaiton in a app store. NOT NEEDED EVER.

Unless of course you like being ROBBED??;)



#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #boycott #APP_STORES #SPIES #Snuck #malware #google #PLAY_STORE #Again #Android_Apps #Phantom_Lance #targeted #users #Defenses #never_had #reputation #protections #Shady_ADWARE #BANKING #TROGEN_HORSES #russian #Kaspersky #HACKING #hid_malware #target_users #Vietnam #Bangladesh #Indonesia #india #hackers #smuggled #data_stealing_apps #INFECTING #trusted_source #ROBBED #PLAIN_SIGHT #yes

Last updated 2 years ago