zetroot · @zetroot
41 followers · 407 posts · Server lor.sh

Ну и для понимания. Есть которые постоянно "флапают", есть более стабильные. Но внезапно прилегла половина.


Last updated 1 year ago


Don't forget to write up a (hashtag) introduction post about your new fediIdentity :-)

If you are interested in privacy and , then Tor is not the most appropriate as they discourage traffic from things like . The better network is for things like the and for setting up , called on .

Even is using I2P now.

Congrats on the move and here's hoping you enjoy your recovery from the and other dotcons. :-)

#filesharing #torrenting #i2p #hiddenServices #eepsites #bitcoincore #twitterati

Last updated 3 years ago

Isn't is fascinating that after broke hidden services, even the supposedly brilliant addresses seem more unreliable.

Gee hmm, but the plan was not to break Tor for the benefit of their corporate sponsors, no.

They just wanted to make unusable, is all.

#tor #HSv2 #HSv3 #hiddenServices

Last updated 3 years ago

The only thing we would contribute to this discussion is, , ie. we need crossFederation between , and .

The needs to be whittled away at. Or we will be taken for granted by the totalitarians.

@rysiek @witchescauldron @bob @yaaps@banana.dog @bhaugen @frank87 @sjb @cadadr@mastodon.sdf.org

#MoreOnionsPorfavor #i2p #fediverse #hiddenServices #tor #clearnet #legacyInternet #corporateState

Last updated 4 years ago

's v2 addresses (ie. the 16-character addresses) for are being replaced by v3 addresses that are approx 50 characters.

We read a ticket on detailing plans to completely remove support for addresses.

In our view this kills Tor . It means people won't be able to spontaneously write their address to give to others, they'll need to access a device to remember it or have the address on their person.

Seriously questioning , right now.

#tor #hiddenServices #gitlab #HSv2 #torproject

Last updated 4 years ago

They've been violently attacking our savings since 1972.

They're called the (a private group of that type cash into their mate's bank accounts who DO NOT deserve it.

#FederalReverse #whiteCollar #criminals #warOnSavers #systemicViolence #moneyPrinting #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #usebitcoin #usetor #i2p #hiddenServices

Last updated 4 years ago