I joined the #AEA #CSWEP board! I'm the Newsletter Oversight Editor, and in that position will work to help reveal the "#HiddenCurriculum" and less obvious resources.
For those who were unaware, all issues of the CSWEP Newsletter are available online: https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cswep/newsletters
Recent newsletter issues have discussed everything from navigating the (pre-doc era) PhD process, to getting research funding, to seminar culture.
I was pretty down about the whole #dissertation proposal process though. Part of this was because everything seemed so unclear, even when I'd ask for guidelines. That lack of clarity also led to some critical #feedback.
So I reflect on feedback in #gradschool (again). This post is more... reflection I needed to process & get off my chest. Hits on #HiddenCurriculum themes again & #MentalHealth in grad school/while #dissertating.
#dissertating #mentalhealth #hiddencurriculum #gradschool #feedback #dissertation
I blog pretty inconsistently about #GradSchool. But recently I completed my #DissertationProposalDefense & that seemed worth a few posts. I wrote abt what the proposal defense was like (structure) for me.
Experiences vary but I hope that honestly sharing my experiences = doing my part to dismantle the #HiddenCurriculum.
At the very least this lets my family & friends know what in the world I'm doing in my #phd.
#academicmastodon #academicchatter #dissertation #phdlife #phd #hiddencurriculum #dissertationproposaldefense #gradschool
While I’m waiting for some media to warm up, I’m going to repost a thread I originally posted elsewhere about an activity I developed for our incoming graduate students this year.
After hearing a lot about the hidden curriculum, I wanted to provide some mechanism to ‘onboard’ our incoming students on topics related to success in graduate school that belong to the hidden curriculum. Long thread. #Mentorship #HiddenCurriculum #GraduateEducation
#graduateeducation #hiddencurriculum #mentorship
Question for folks with a bit more experience/perspective: what are the pros/cons of giving a "state of X research" "keynote-style" lecture vs a typical econ-style research talk?
I have a talk on the calendar which could be either. I can see benefits to both, but could use some help thinking about tradeoffs
#EconTwitter #econtooter @marcfbellemare I don't think there's a #hiddenCurriculum yet...
#hiddencurriculum #econtooter #EconTwitter
Student ‘slave auctions’ illustrate the existence of a hidden culture of domination and subjugation in US schools
“Reenacting a slave sale as a prank tells us that we have a great deal of work to do with our students so they can distinguish between intent and impact,” Osumi wrote. “They may have thought this skit was funny, but it is not; it is unacceptable and requires us to look honestly and deeply at issues of systemic racism.”
https://flip.it/4CTnG8 #CurrentEvents #enslavement #Education #HiddenCurriculum
#currentevents #enslavement #education #hiddencurriculum
A fantastic series on the #HiddenCurriculum by Marc Lynch, including applying to #phd programs, journal publishing, #research transparency, and turning your #dissertation into a #book manuscript:
#hiddencurriculum #phd #research #dissertation #book
What do you do if you end up with more data than can fit in your dissertation (or book or article)?
My latest on how knowing which kind of story you're writing can help you figure out which pieces to publish first and what to do with the leftover bits.
#GradSchool #HiddenCurriculum #Dissertation #AmWriting #Academia
#gradschool #hiddencurriculum #dissertation #amWriting #academia
#Community is one of the major themes of our podcast. #Academia tries to silo us into buckets. The #HiddenCurriculum forces #poc #Indigenous #Black #women #firstgen #disabled scholars to compete with each other for scarce resources in the dark while making it feel like it’s our fault. We’ve benefited so much from a community of academic aunties and we hope you can too.
All this to say, we’d love to rebuild our community of #marginalized scholars that we had at the bird site over here!
#marginalized #disabled #firstgen #women #black #indigenous #poc #hiddencurriculum #academia #community