If you look carefully at the iron guard on the bridge pier on the left of this picture, you can see where the ropes used to pull the barges have cut into it.
Thanks to Centre-Ground on Twitter for bringing this interesting remnant from the past to my attention.
#glasgow #canals #monklandcanal #oldglasgow #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #hiddenglasgow #castlestreet #townhead #m8
#m8 #townhead #castlestreet #hiddenglasgow #pastglasgow #glasgowhistory #OldGlasgow #monklandcanal #canals #glasgow
A fragment of the old Monkland Canal passing under Castle Street in Glasgow.
Designed by James Watt, the Monkland Canal was completed in 1794 and was built to bring coal from the mines around Monklands into Glasgow. Most of it was filled in on the 1970s when the M8 motoway was built on top of it, but small fragments like this remain.
#glasgow #canals #monklandcanal #oldglasgow #glasgowhistory #pastglasgow #hiddenglasgow #castlestreet #townhead #m8
#m8 #townhead #castlestreet #hiddenglasgow #pastglasgow #glasgowhistory #OldGlasgow #monklandcanal #canals #glasgow
Lynedoch Crescent Lane, Woodlands
#StreetPhotography #hiddenglasgow #hiddenscotland #glasgow
Lynedoch Crescent Lane, Woodlands
#StreetPhotography #hiddenglasgow #hiddenscotland #glasgow
Glasgow Corporation Lighting Department, 1902.
After many years of going to the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow, I noticed this sign on an old lamp post just outside its entrance for the first time today. Love the font they've used for it. It's very subtly Glasgow Style/Art Nouveau
#glasgow #botanicgardens
#glasgowbotanicgardens #artnouveau #signs #oldsigns #streetfurniture #lamppost #oldglasgow #hiddenglasgow #design #designdetail
#designdetail #design #hiddenglasgow #OldGlasgow #lamppost #streetfurniture #oldsigns #signs #artnouveau #glasgowbotanicgardens #botanicgardens #glasgow
The eastern half of Grovsenor Terrace in the west end of Glasgow looks like its made of solid stone, but if you go up and knock on its columns, you'll find they're hollow. This is because the building burned down in 1978 and the distinctive Venetian-style stone facade was rebuilt using glass-reinforced concrete.
#glasgow #architecture #buildings #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #grovsenorterrace #grovsenorhotelglasgow #hiddenglasgow
#hiddenglasgow #grovsenorhotelglasgow #grovsenorterrace #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #buildings #architecture #glasgow
I hadn't realised until very recently quite how many former drill halls there are in Glasgow. A lot of them seem to have quite distinct architectural styles, possibly resulting from a tendency for the military to get volunteers to design them rather than pay outside architects.
#glasgow #hiddenglasgow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #drillhall #drillhalls #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #buildings #buildingphotography #architecturephotography #listedbuilding
#listedbuilding #architecturephotography #buildingphotography #buildings #architecture #drillhalls #drillhall #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #hiddenglasgow #glasgow
135 Berkeley Street in the west end of Glasgow.
This is an intriguing little building that I pass a lot while out running. It differs compeletly in architectural style from the tenements on either side, and I'd always assumed this was because it served as a Sikh Gurdwara. However, I found out today that it was originally built in the early 1900s as a military drill hall.
#glasgow #hiddenglasgow #glasgowbuildings #drillhall #drillhalls #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #buildings
#buildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #drillhalls #drillhall #glasgowbuildings #hiddenglasgow #glasgow
The wonderful Savings Bank of Glasgow building in Anderston in Glasgow. Designed in 1900 by Salmon, Son and Gillespie, this Art Nouveau gem is hidden away in a part of Glasgow where few visitors ever venture. Yet, by only sticking to the regular tourist haunts, they are missing out on some truly amazing architecture.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #anderston #artnouveauarchitecture #artnouveau #hiddenglasgow #buildings #architecturephotograhy #buildingphotography
#buildingphotography #architecturephotograhy #buildings #hiddenglasgow #artnouveau #artnouveauarchitecture #Anderston #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
The dispensary closed in 1953 when its services were incorporated into the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Yorkhill.
The building now remains as a reminder of a time when the dispensary was one of the few places where children from the poorer household of Glasgow could get treated for free before we had nationalised health care.
Let's hope we never need such places again.
#glasgow #sickchildrensdispensary #nhs #glasgowbuildings #architecture #hiddenglasgow #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #hiddenglasgow #architecture #glasgowbuildings #nhs #sickchildrensdispensary #glasgow
There was no entitlement or payment for treatment, just being a child and needing medical treatment was enough (remember this was in the days before the National Health Service).
It treated 4,167 children in its first year and by 1914, it was treating almost 14,000 kids a year. By the 1930s, it was probably treating upwards of 50,000.
#glasgow #sickchildrensdispensary #nhs #glasgowbuildings #architecture #hiddenglasgow #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #hiddenglasgow #architecture #glasgowbuildings #nhs #sickchildrensdispensary #glasgow
This odd little building, sandwiched between two much more modern ones on West Graham Street in Glasgow, has an interesting history.
As it says across the front, it was built in 1888 to house the sick childrens dispensary. Basically this was an out-patient and day patient clinc intended to treat as many children as possible without having to admit them to hospital.
#glasgow #sickchildrensdispensary #nhs #glasgowbuildings #architecture #hiddenglasgow #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #hiddenglasgow #architecture #glasgowbuildings #nhs #sickchildrensdispensary #glasgow
Hobbit house in Pollok County Park in Glasgow.
#glasgow #pollokcountrypark #hobbits #hobbitlife #hobbithouse #hiddenglasgow #hiddenscotland #scotland #hobbithole
#hobbithole #scotland #hiddenscotland #hiddenglasgow #hobbithouse #hobbitlife #hobbits #pollokcountrypark #glasgow