"There are so many ways that an #illness or #disability can fluctuate, so many ways that the effects of such can change. But when you do have a #fluctuatingillness or disability, it often comes with many of the same pitfalls of a #hiddendisability. Judgement from those uneducated in the realities of disability, high expectations that are realistically beyond your capabilities, assumptions from others."
#chroniclife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #Spoonies
#Spoonie #ChronicallyIll #MEcfs
#illness #disability #fluctuatingillness #hiddendisability #chroniclife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #spoonies #spoonie #chronicallyill #mecfs
"Hidden Barriers: The Experience of Academic Librarians and Archivists with Invisible Illnesses and/or Disabilities"
Interesting article in this month's issue of College & Research Libraries: https://crl.acrl.org/index.php/crl/article/view/26024/33938
#Disability #HiddenDisability #HiddenIllness #InvisibleIllness #invisibledisability #librarians #Diversity #archivists
#disability #hiddendisability #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #invisibledisability #librarians #diversity #archivists
Book I just came across: "Horizontal #Parenting: How to Entertain Your Kid While Lying Down"
Could be useful for #parents with conditions causing #orthostaticintolerance (intolerance to being upright)
Some reviews
@mecfs @spoonies @parenting #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #chronicillness
#chroniclife #Spoonielife
#hiddenillness #invisibleillness #pots @pots @chronicillness
#parenting #parents #orthostaticintolerance #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #chronicillness #chroniclife #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #pots
"Judith Wilkinson’s M.E. led to dreams about the desert, which would later form the basis of her new collection of poetry"
Read one page on this on p31 here
Some poems can be read for free here
I haven't read it
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MEeps #CFSME #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #chronicillness #chroniclife
#ChronicPain #Spoonielife
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #meeps #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #hiddenillness
Among other things, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis has left me too ill to date for the last 28 years.
My thoughts today are with those who, partly or fully due to chronic illness, are not in a relationship today.
#ValentinesWithNobody #ValentinesDay2023 #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps #neisvoid #chronicillness #chroniclife @chronicillness #Spoonielife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses @spoonies #Spoonie
#valentinesday #valentineswithnobody #valentinesday2023 #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #mye #meeps #NEISvoid #chronicillness #chroniclife #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllnesses #spoonie
"As we meandered through this system, dazed and confused, the weeks have turned into months. We’ve now been on this hamster wheel for three years. Naturally, you feel like criminals — lawyers, experts, courts, procedures and appeals. You battle on knowing this has been designed to make you give up."
#neisvoid #chronicillness
#chroniclife #ChronicPain
#Spoonielife #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies
#Spoonie #ChronicallyIll @chronicillness @chronicpain @spoonies
#NEISvoid #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllnesses #spoonies #spoonie #chronicallyill
"Rather than promoting learning and understanding of the nuances around chronic illness, the UWV packages all patients into a blob of the insoluble and leans prejudicially towards your illness being a temporary situation. One day you will get better"
#neisvoid #chronicillness
#chroniclife #ChronicPain
#Spoonielife #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies
#Spoonie #ChronicallyIll
#NEISvoid #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllnesses #spoonies #spoonie #chronicallyill
"Every day people enter the court to hear whether they can claim disability support and end up being punished for having a condition that is not easily diagnosed. And can’t be treated. It is not just those with ME/#CFS either, but lots of other associated chronic conditions — #POTS, #Fibromyalgia, Chronic #Lyme Disease, #LongCovid. We all run the same gauntlet"
@longcovid @spoonies @chronicillness @chronicpain #Spoonielife #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness #MEcfs #Fibro #MyalgicE #PwME
#pots #fibromyalgia #lyme #LongCovid #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #mecfs #fibro #myalgice #pwme
Thoughtful & sympathetic blog post by 2 anthropologists on the Psychology Today website
I'll post some extracts
"But, he explains, 'without a diagnosis, I wasn’t allowed to be sick—and so had to soldier on.'"
#Spoonie #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #Spoonies @spoonies @chronicillness #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness @longcovid
#spoonie #mecfs #cfs #pwme #spoonies #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness
"An Open Letter To Family and Friends About #fibromyalgia
People with other chronic illnesses that have a significant pain component (e.g. most people with ME/CFS) will likely be able to relate to this and so thus might like to share it also.
@chronicillness @chronicpain @spoonies #chronicillness #chroniclife
#ChronicPain #Spoonielife
#hiddenillness #invisibleillness
#fibromyalgia #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #mecfs
"What My Loved Ones Need to Know About Life With #Fibromyalgia" (2017)
Somebody with ME/#CFS could also written a similar letter
""I struggle each and every day, so please ease up on the expectations, accept that I cannot do some things, respect there are limitations and don’t take things personally."
#Fibro #FMS #FM @chronicillness @spoonies #Spoonielife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #Spoonies #Spoonie #chronicillness
#fibromyalgia #fibro #fms #fm #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #spoonies #spoonie #chronicillness
“Communication is Key
Please don’t assume you know how I am feeling or what I can or cannot do. It changes constantly, and if we maintain a safe and open place to talk about what’s going on, we will better understand how to support one another through this. If you are unsure how to help, just ask”
#chronicillness #hiddenillness #chronicpain #invisibleillnesses #fibro #fms #mecfs
#chronicillness #hiddenillness #chronicpain #invisibleillnesses #fibro #fms #mecfs
“It is scary to not have the words to describe my symptoms in a way that others can understand. It is also scary when medical providers don’t know how to manage my symptoms because they aren’t sure how to find the cause of my illness.”
#chronicillness #hiddenillness #pwme
“It is hard to know how to support others when their health becomes compromised. It can leave you feeling powerless and unsure of what to do. It is even harder when your loved one is afflicted by an “invisible illness.” One where there isn’t a cast around their arm, or a blood test to reveal exactly what “it” is”
#invisibleillness #invisibleillnesses #hiddenillness #hiddenillnesses
#InvisibleIllness #invisibleillnesses #hiddenillness #hiddenillnesses
I thought this was very good:
"Insights into My Chronic Illness" (2021)
"Written from the perspective of an individual with chronic illness to a #caregiver, friend, spouse, etc. This letter provides insight into the patient experience & how you can support them"
Extracts to follow
@chronicillness @mecfs @longcovid
#Caring #Caregiving #chronicillness #chroniclife #ChronicPain #Spoonielife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness
#Spoonies #Spoonie #ChronicallyIll #CFS
#caregiver #caring #caregiving #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #spoonies #spoonie #chronicallyill #cfs
"Don’t let their doubt make you doubt yourself. Your medical problems may trigger their own fears about illness & mortality, or they may be so caught up in struggles of their own that they’re not able to see their way clear to empathize with you”
#hiddenillness #PwME #chronicillness #spoonie #MEcfs @chronicillness @mecfs
#hiddenillness #pwme #chronicillness #spoonie #mecfs
"People with invisible disabilities like me are routinely disbelieved — and it can have long-lasting effects" (29 Nov)
"Others with invisible disabilities have told me stories of times they've chosen not to seek help for symptoms like debilitating pain after feeling dismissed the last time they sought support."
#IDPWD2022 #InternationalDayOfPersonsWithDisabilities #IDPWD #IDDP2022 #InvisibleDisability #hiddenillness
#InvisibleIllness #spoonie #InvisibleDisabilities
#idpwd2022 #internationaldayofpersonswithdisabilities #idpwd #iddp2022 #invisibledisability #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #spoonie #invisibledisabilities
Somebody shared the following previously saying:
"I found this video on tiktok and it explains m.e so well" and "I saw it and thought to myself I relate so much"
Here's the TikTok link: https://www.tiktok.com/@jeremyandrewdavis/video/7135061608316833070
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MEeps #CFSME #NeuroME #millionsmissing #chronicillness #chroniclife
#Spoonielife #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies
#Spoonie #ChronicallyIll
Re-post as deleted original in error
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #meeps #cfsme #NeuroME #millionsmissing #chronicillness #chroniclife #spoonielife #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllnesses #spoonies #spoonie #chronicallyill
Somebody shared the following previousl saying:
"I found this video on tiktok and it explains m.e so well" and "I saw it and thought to myself I relate so much"
Here's the TikTok link: https://www.tiktok.com/@jeremyandrewdavis/video/7135061608316833070
#Spoonie #ELCI #Spoonielife #chronicillness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #ME #MyE #MEeps #CFSME #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #hiddenillness
#invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies
#spoonie #ELCI #spoonielife #chronicillness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #me #mye #meeps #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME #hiddenillness #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllnesses #spoonies
#disability #hiddenillness
Life when your too ugly to be sick
#British to be accepted as a Real
And too
To be the #Strongblackwoman
The irony
If I Had a good man in my life how great would my day be
#disability #hiddenillness #british #fragile #strongblackwoman