wilhelm · @wilhelmsgames
76 followers · 42 posts · Server dice.camp

Arthurian RPG. Came around the same time as King Arthur Pendragon, but didn't make quite the same splash.

Anyway, you play one of 400 pre-gen characters (knights and ladies from Mallory's books) and it's sort of competitive game between the players in a hybrid game that sits somewhere between a wargame and a as we know them today.

It seems so very odd to today's standards, but I've peeked in the book and it seems so very evocative. I would love to play it some time.

#hiddenkingdom #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

wilhelm · @wilhelmsgames
76 followers · 42 posts · Server dice.camp

@awinnef answered on this pattern. As the years go by I recognize fewer and fewer systems that people play. I'm clearly out of the loop these days.

Currently running:

Currently playing:

Most played : , (If we count the last three years.)

Want to try: ,

Want to return to: , , /

Yes, I wrote most of the games we play. Perhaps that's why I'm out of the loop. 😄

#ttrpg #okult #kuf #thedunerose #arsmagica #hiddenkingdom #thedaughtersofverona #drakarochdemoner #DragonBane

Last updated 2 years ago