Salubrious: (of a place) pleasant; not run-down.
"Are you sure you want to go there?....That's it, Rolf's Dump. There's miles of it, see? All along the canal. It won't be what you might call very salubrious this time of night."
#HideMyEyes by #MargeryAllingham
#hidemyeyes #margeryallingham #amreading #vocabulary #whodunnit
Sibilant: making or characterized by a hissing sound.
"A knot of pretty girls, doubtless young actresses, were sitting in one corner with their heads together, their voices lowered and sibilant over the latest wrong."
From #HideMyEyes by #MargeryAllingham #AmReading @bookstodon #Vocabulary #WhoDunnit
#hidemyeyes #margeryallingham #amreading #vocabulary #whodunnit
Abeyance: a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
"Tell me, Major, any more developments in the you-know-what business? You mentioned it last time."
"Oh, that's in abeyance," he said with disarming embarrassment, "whatever it was."
From #HideMyEyes by #MargeryAllingham #AmReading @bookstodon #Vocabulary
#hidemyeyes #margeryallingham #amreading #vocabulary
Insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.
"You'll never win nothing that way. The only way to win on 'orses, dogs, pools, or anythink else is to take it insouciant."
From #HideMyEyes by #MargeryAllingham #AmReading @bookstodon #Vocabulary #WhoDunnit
#hidemyeyes #margeryallingham #amreading #vocabulary #whodunnit