柴犬とアビシニアンの戦い 総集編 Cat punch! Dogfight ! 散歩嫌いの柴犬マル https://www.wacoca.com/pets/163619/
#cat #HellorHighwater! #HighandLow #neko #アビシニアン #アビシニアンのミミ #散歩嫌いの柴犬マル #柴犬マル #犬と猫の戦い #猫パンチ
#猫パンチ #犬と猫の戦い #柴犬マル #散歩嫌いの柴犬マル #アビシニアンのミミ #アビシニアン #neko #highandlow #hellorhighwater #cat
60 years ago:
High and Low (JP)
Original title: 天国と地獄
An executive of a shoe company becomes a victim of extortion when his chauffeur's son is kidnapped and held for ransom.
#HighandLow #AkiraKurosawa #ToshirMifune #TatsuyaNakadai #KykoKagawa #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#highandlow #akirakurosawa #toshirmifune #tatsuyanakadai #kykokagawa #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
RT @chocochipaldo@twitter.com
Buat yang penasaran sama proses menggambarnya, nih saya kasih bonus Videonya ya 🤭 #yuta #NCT127 #NCT #highandlow #HiGH_LOW_THE_WORSTX
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chocochipaldo/status/1619310250271846400
#yuta #nct127 #nct #highandlow #high_low_the_worstx
RT @chocochipaldo@twitter.com
Drawing Ryo Suzaki - YUTA on Whiteboard, btw aktingnya Yuta bagus banget di film High & Low 🔥 #yuta #NCT127 #NCT #highandlow #HiGH_LOW_THE_WORSTX
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chocochipaldo/status/1618460603915599874
#yuta #nct127 #nct #highandlow #high_low_the_worstx
I watched HIGH AND LOW (1963).
Obviously Kurosawa is a master, and I'm delighted by his craft. It's a great film and y'all should watch it.
#film #movies #cinema #kurosawa #highandlow