Covid brings high blood
Pressure to those most at risk
Pre-existing woes
#covid #highbloodpressure #riskfactors #haiku #poetry
#covid #highbloodpressure #riskfactors #haiku #poetry
Proud to announce Prof. Geoff Head has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to medical research into #highbloodpressure diagnosis & management. đź‘ŹCongrats Geoff from the Baker Institute community @HypertensionAus @OzCvA @ISHBP
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Cause and cure discovered for common type of #highbloodpressure @QMUL @NatureGenet
"Barbados fights Big Sugar for the survival of its people -The legacy of colonialism, modern-day conveniences and a diet high in fat and sugar have bequeathed the island a diabetes and high-blood pressure pandemic. But can health plans win out over corporate interests?
"Barbados, like other small island developing states, is fighting for its people’s survival. On this beautiful island, people wander daily into danger, swinging two-litre flasks of sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola as they step out of their cars, buying local fast food from the back of a van for lunch and queueing at Kentucky Fried Chicken or the local chain Chefette in the evening. The blessings of the modern convenience world have been visited upon small islands, with the result that more than half their people are dying prematurely from heart and lung conditions, cancer, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.
Blame is being laid at the door of the food industry. The world’s 57 small island developing states, or SIDS, as the UN collectively calls them, have particular vulnerabilities. They cannot grow enough fresh food for their populations and, as the climate crisis worsens, water is scarcer and storms wipe out entire fields of crops every year. So they are reliant on importing their food: for some islands as much as 90% of it. And much of what they import is ultra-processed food, high in calories with very little nutritional value."
#Barbados #Islands #IslandStates #BigFood #BigSugar #Capitalism #ProcessedFoods #Colonialism #Obesity #Diabetes #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #WHO #UN #UltraProcessedFood
#barbados #islands #islandstates #bigfood #BigSugar #capitalism #processedFoods #colonialism #obesity #diabetes #heartdisease #highbloodpressure #who #un #ultraprocessedfood
How much #potassium do you need per day?
Foods to eat, besides bananas, as reported by Delaney Nothaft with insights from Dr. Nazarian in another installment about essential vitamins and minerals at USA Today.
#diets #nutrition #nutrients #vitamins #highbloodpressure #health #wellness
#wellness #health #highbloodpressure #vitamins #nutrients #nutrition #diets #potassium
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: #Mobilephone calls linked with increased risk of #highbloodpressure
#mobilephone #highbloodpressure
Hypertension: The deadly health problem most young men are living with undiagnosed | The Independent
#hypertension #highbloodpressure #youngmen #obesity #healthsurveyforengland
High #fructose consumption in children linked to greater #hypertension risk later in life #highbloodpressure #hearthealth
#hearthealth #highbloodpressure #hypertension #fructose
Saunas Are Good For All That Ails: Best Of: Feb 2019
Regular sauna use has many health benefits. #sauna #warmth #heartdisease #highbloodpressure #immunity #lungfunction #arthritis #headache #relaxation #healthnews #healthtips
#sauna #warmth #heartdisease #highbloodpressure #immunity #lungfunction #arthritis #headache #relaxation #healthnews #healthtips
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: #Highbloodpressure in your 30s is associated with worse #brain health in your 70s @jamanetworkopen
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Researchers identify specific regions of the #brain damaged by #highbloodpressure, involved in mental decline, dementia
About 1 in 10 older adults with high measured blood pressure but have never been diagnosed with hypertension, and most diagnosed hypertensives with uncontrolled blood pressure self-report as controlled.
#NICHDImpact #Hypertension #BloodPressure #HighBloodPressure #Health
#NICHDimpact #hypertension #BloodPressure #highbloodpressure #health
The doctor that prescribed high blood pressure medication for me said that the most-reported side effect was a dry cough. I went online later and looked at the specifications for the drug that reported more than just coughing as something to expect in the early days of use. So far I’ve experienced pretty much every symptom _other_ than the coughing. The cure is feeling worse than the problem right now. #symptoms #ill #highbloodpressure
#symptoms #ill #highbloodpressure
Numerous serious health issues, including heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke, are greatly influenced by high blood pressure. To lead a healthier life, our board-certified providers can assist you in managing your blood pressure.
Book Your Appointment Now:
#hypertension #diabetes #highbloodpressure #bloodpressure #obesity #healthylifestyle #hearthealth
#hypertension #diabetes #highbloodpressure #bloodpressure #obesity #healthylifestyle #hearthealth
I've decided to offer my Plant Power books and infographics FREE of charge. Please share them with friends, family, patients, colleagues, clients, trainees, students, employees etc.. To order your free copy, please go to #highbloodpressure
I've decided to offer my Plant Power books and infographics FREE of charge. Please share them with friends, family, patients, colleagues, clients, trainees, students, employees etc.. To order your free copy, please go to #highbloodpressure #heartattack #heartdisease
#highbloodpressure #HeartAttack #heartdisease
Gifted article w my subscription to the #nytimes : NYTimes: Even a Little Alcohol Can Harm Your Health #alcohol #health #cancer #heartdisease #highbloodpressure
#highbloodpressure #heartdisease #cancer #Health #alcohol #nytimes
Hey all... today for my weekly POV column, I'm talking about the craziness of the world today, my writing, the Serenity Prayer, Haiku, and generally learning to let go.
The Serenity Prayer is usually associated with Alcoholics Anonymous. It’s a reminder to those in the program that not everything is in their control, and trying to control things that are beyond us often ends in heartache...
#IAmWriting #Control #SerenityPrayer #Writing #LifeHacks #LettingGo #Haiku #HighBloodPressure
#iamwriting #control #serenityprayer #writing #lifehacks #lettinggo #haiku #highbloodpressure
I accidentally hit a religious radio channel while driving today. Some preacher was telling folks that if they truely spent enough time with/contemplating god, that they would not have high blood pressure. Insanity. #highbloodpressure
I accidentally hit a religious radio channel while driving today. Some preacher was telling folks that if they truely spent enough time with/contemplating god, that they would not have high blood pressure. Insanity. #highbloodpressure