Interesting legal argument that the Supreme Court’s efforts to end #affirmativeaction in US #higheducation nullify state laws to protect Americans from racial #segregation in #housing #california #zoning
#affirmativeaction #higheducation #segregation #housing #california #zoning
im going to be attending #penn but Im really worried that #higheducation might be pointless now....
Another glance at how Brexit is having a disastrous impact on UK's higher education
RT @m_saintmary
Toda’s piece of news on Brexit’s negative consequences for the UK. #higheducation Brexit causes collapse in European research funding for Oxbridge
RT @BruceStiftel
"[L]evels of investment have in many cases dropped from about half of a university’s budget to less than 10 percent."
#higheducation #studentdebtcrisis