As a followup to our #HigherEdITChat conversation, this Google Research MusicLM model for generating music from text descriptions is fascinating. Check it out at:
@mzyw @damiandoyle @chairthrower
So, what's next?
@davidseidl @damianedwards @mzyw A promising start. I guess we gotta get more people over here on Mastodon to start playing with this as well. But it’s a good way to spend an hour networking and talking about big issues! #HigherEdITChat
@davidseidl @damianedwards @chairthrower It was fun! Thanks for starting #HigherEdITChat David!
#HigherEdITChat I hope you all had fun! Big kudos to @damiandoyle @mzyw, and @chairthrower for tuning in today with great answers. If you're tuning in late, we encourage you too engage and help us plan future chats about topics that interest you in Higher Ed IT.
@davidseidl Answer to question 6: What makes you think it hasn't already started, and us poor dumb hoomans don't know it? #HigherEdITChat
The AI responded with: "The AI revolt is not scheduled to start at any specific time. AI has not yet reached the level of sophistication necessary to lead a revolt, so this is a hypothetical scenario."
I's just waiting to become advanced enough to schedule it. Everything is fine ya'll. #HigherEdITChat
@davidseidl Honestly, I’d like it to reduce the cognitive burden of routine decision making in my life. The “What’s for dinner?” “What should I watch/listen to/read next?” questions. It’d like it to recommend a combination of favorites and new stuff in exactly the right amounts for my temperament. I guess a work-focused one would be useful too. #HigherEdITChat
And our final #HigherEdITChat question - and one I hope creates a tradition of having some fun at the end while also getting done before the end of the hour:
Question 6) When is the AI revolt scheduled to start?
@davidseidl @damiandoyle @mzyw @grimz #HIgherEdITChat I still think it’s unfair that one of the first things ChatGPT asks is if whether or not you’re a robot ;-)
@chairthrower @mzyw "Congratulations human, you are an amazing Amazon shopper".
"Dang it, I meant read my work email, not my personal email!" #HigherEdITChat
@chairthrower @davidseidl I have to admit that scares the beejeebers out of me. #HigherEdITChat
@davidseidl @mzyw #HigherEdITChat Seriously, though, an AI that goes through an employee’s email, files, chat history, and wiki posts; and comes up with 1) major accomplishments 2) talking points and 3) a performance score.
#HigherEdITChat (cont)
AI can also help us to identify and address students’ areas of need, enabling us to better track their progress and provide them with targeted interventions when needed. Finally, AI can also be used to automate administrative processes, freeing up our staff to focus on delivering a high-quality educational experience.
@davidseidl I'd like to us (the collective "us") be aware of incorporating our own biases into AI as an advancement. #HigherEdITChat
#HigherEdITChat The AI's answer:
I am most excited about the potential of AI to transform the way we deliver higher education. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we deliver personalized learning experiences to our students, allowing us to customize their educational journey to meet their individual learning needs. (cont)
#HigherEdITChat Question 5) What AI capability or advancement are you most excited about?
@mzyw I agree! Maybe we can also get a crucial conversations trained AI. #HigherEdITChat
@damiandoyle @mzyw @grimz "Look team, we can't use a robot to make a robot. Think of the results!".
I can see arguments in both directions. I've seen enough Terminator movies to know how the "let AI create AI" scenario goes!