Auf ZDF neo fängt gerade #HighFidelity an.
Einer meiner #lieblingsfilme 😁
Top 5....😉
#tvtipp #highfidelity #lieblingsfilme
Braucht hier jemand einen #Plattenspieler für 60.000$ ? Und wer Langeweile hat, kann sich dann auch noch an der hitzigen Diskussion unter dem Artikel beteiligen. #PopCorn nicht vergessen! Wenn HighFi-Plattenfetischisten aneinandergeraten… . Hatte hier nicht vor kurzem jemand Plattenspielerzubehör für tausende von Euro gepostet? War das nicht jemand von #Senfcall? Und waren da nicht auch Boxenkabel dabei für über 10.000 €?
Ich mußte mal ausziehen wegen Eigenbedarf. Der neue Eigentümer hatte riesige Boxen und mußte erstmal die Statik vom Obergeschoß überprüfen lassen. Wie der die Dinger in dem alten Haus hochbekommen hat ist mir bis heute ein Rätsel. Da fällt mir ein, ich könnte mal wieder High Fidelity schauen.
#Schallplatte #HiFi #HighFidelity #JonathanIve #DingediedieWeltnichtbraucht
#dingediedieweltnichtbraucht #JonathanIve #highfidelity #hifi #schallplatte #Senfcall #popcorn #Plattenspieler
Vorgestern #GrossePointeBlank und heute #HighFidelity ... John Cusack ist eigentlich ein Guter! :-)
#highfidelity #grossepointeblank
Watching HIGH FIDELITY because:
-I 🖤 Gen X
-I 🖤 Music
-I 🖤 Indie record STORES
Feeling nostalgic about the early 90s record store video arcade college radio live shows at The Library and hanging out on Chimes Street general mischief
- 🖤🖤🖤
#90sculture #indie #genx #music #movies #highfidelity
“Top 5 things I miss about Laura” is quite possibly my favorite moment on #HighFidelity. I could easily write as essay about it too.
I think Sonic Death Monkey is still my favourite.
“Let’em riot. We’re Sonic fuckin’ Death Monkey”
‘Bruce Springsteen was very nervous about his cameo’: Nick Hornby and Stephen Frears on High Fidelity https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/feb/27/bruce-springsteen-nick-hornby-stephen-frears-high-fidelity-john-cusack-jack-black?CMP=share_btn_tw #highfidelity
10 #Movies to #GetToKnowMe
1. Anything #KevinSmith
2. All things #JohnCandy
3. #IndianaJones
4. #Fridaythe13th
5. #007
6. #Speed
7. #RearWindow
8. #SecretWindow
9. #Marvel #MCU
10. Anything #RobinWilliams
Bonus: #BigTroubleInLittleChina
Didn't even cover #Rambo #Rocky #Ghostbusters #JohnWick #ZachBraff in #GardenState #LastKiss directed by #TonyGoldwyn who was hilarious in #Kuffs and most #JohnCusack #SayAnything #GrossPointeBlank #HighFidelity
This could go all night...What are yours?
#movies #gettoknowme #kevinsmith #johncandy #indianajones #fridaythe13th #speed #rearwindow #Secretwindow #marvel #mcu #robinwilliams #bigtroubleinlittlechina #rambo #rocky #ghostbusters #johnwick #zachbraff #gardenstate #lastkiss #tonygoldwyn #kuffs #johncusack #sayanything #grosspointeblank #highfidelity
The B-52'S #vinil #wbrecords #emiodeon #weadiscos #highfidelity #stereo #seriesuperluxo #vinyl #vinylpost #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #discoécultura #lps #longplays #discocollection #turnetable #tocadiscos #gradiente #d35 #gs11 #Audio
#vinil #wbrecords #emiodeon #weadiscos #highfidelity #stereo #seriesuperluxo #vinyl #vinylpost #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #discoecultura #lps #longplays #discocollection #turnetable #tocadiscos #gradiente #d35 #gs11 #audio
The B-52'S #vinil #wbrecords #emiodeon #weadiscos #highfidelity #stereo #seriesuperluxo #vinyl #vinylpost #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #discoécultura #lps #longplays #discocollection #turnetable #tocadiscos #gradiente #d35 #gs11 #audio
#vinil #wbrecords #emiodeon #weadiscos #highfidelity #stereo #seriesuperluxo #vinyl #vinylpost #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #discoecultura #lps #longplays #discocollection #turnetable #tocadiscos #gradiente #d35 #gs11 #audio
Wow! That didn’t take long!
“Trained on thousands of outstanding #designs, #GalileoAI turns #NaturalLanguage prompts into #HighFidelity #designs.” Allegedly, these high fidelity #mockups are even editable in #Figma!
#UX #UserExperience #UserInterfacePrototyping #UserExperienceDesign #UI #UserInterfaceDesign #InterfaceDesign #VisualDesign #generativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence
#galileoai #naturallanguage #highfidelity #designs #mockups #figma #ux #userexperience #userinterfaceprototyping #userexperiencedesign #ui #userinterfacedesign #visualdesign #generativeAI #artificialintelligence #interfacedesign
Habe nen #MacMini 2013 und läuft noch immer als #Musikserver (eingelesene CDs) und für das Streamen von #Qobuz und #HighResAudio. Alles wunderbar. 🎶 Das ist übrigens Musikqualität jenseits von #AppleMusic oder #Spotify, es braucht aber auch die entsprechende #HiFi Anlage dafür, #Sonos & Co. reicht da bei weitem nicht.
#macmini #musikserver #qobuz #highresaudio #applemusic #spotify #hifi #sonos #audiophile #highresolution #highresmusic #highfidelity
#HighFidelity is the first #Movie I ever saw #JackBlack in, and I haven’t seen him play a different character yet.
#highfidelity #movie #jackblack
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
The Three E.P.'s
Dry the Rain
#indie #indierock #Soundtrack #highfidelity #rock
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #thebetaband #indie #indierock #soundtrack #highfidelity #rock
#Introduction, continued
I’ve built or rebuilt PCs, servers, cars and homes, and as a result have a ridiculous range of hobbies: #DIY #Woodworking #Remodeling #CarStereo and automotive #Customizing, #Electronics, #HighFidelity, #Audiophile stereo. #Hiking, #Camping, #Renewables #Survivalism. I’m a wannabe #Vegan.
My wife and I have a #Rottweiler, #Koi pond, #Hydroponic #Garden, and love #Cooking #Organic meals together. Meal kit night is our Date Night.
I’m father to 3 amazing women.
#introduction #diy #woodworking #remodeling #carstereo #customizing #electronics #highfidelity #audiophile #hiking #camping #renewables #survivalism #vegan #rottweiler #koi #hydroponic #garden #cooking #organic
Awesome 2023 being starting with last album #vinyl of #DeathCabforCutie bought in #highfidelity kind of #recordshop in #LA #California #music #harvest #Fulbright
#vinyl #deathcabforcutie #highfidelity #recordshop #la #california #music #harvest #fulbright
On #Apple music (lossless) this Nick Waterhouse songs sounds schmooooth. #NickWaterhouse #HighFidelity
#apple #nickwaterhouse #highfidelity
@philfree has been innovating #AR experiences for a long time including a very popular easter egg hunt at #VRLA
@bencross makes all my websites and logos! He is epic
@lincolnDuncan could it be? Is the legendsry creator of #SecondLife and #HighFidelity on Masto?
Also follow @nancybakercahill my dear friend and a pioneer of #AR #activism and true artist.
#followfriday #ar #vrla #secondlife #highfidelity #activism #xr #vr #immersive
Heh, this is fabulously petty and yet chill at the same time.
#dailytune #songoftheday #dailysong #tuneoftheday #breakup #petty #highfidelity
#dailytune #songoftheday #dailysong #tuneoftheday #breakup #petty #highfidelity
Izugarri gozatzen azken album hau...#highfidelity filmaren antzerako elkarrizketa baten ostean, vyniloak beti hobeak, oraindik horrelako dendak geratzen dira, apika, zorionez
#highfidelity #musika #vinylcollection #qsemueranlosfeos