Zo… ruim 14 dagen #schotland 🏴. Met het hele gezin, dus nee geen verslag van mooie beesten en waanzinnig natuurbeelden.
Maar voor hen die het interesseert, 14 dagen gepropt in 4 minuten 🥳👍
Voor hen die het niet interesseert… snel door swipen.
#glenfinnanviaduct #highlandgames #natuur #bennevis #FortWilliam #tayport
O ja overigens wel 26 soorten zoogdieren gezien en een paar leuke vogels. https://youtu.be/DL71mQmnYb4
#Schotland #glenfinnanviaduct #highlandgames #natuur #bennevis #FortWilliam #Tayport
It was braw to be able to attend my local Highland Games for the first time in a good few years as I'm often away gigging the same weekend. Here's a photo of Angus MacColl completing his clean sweep of the piping competitions. Fortunately the hammer that photobombed the shot (top right) was fleein' the opposite direction. #Taynuilt #HighlandGames #Scotland #Bagpipes
#bagpipes #scotland #highlandgames #taynuilt
Anyone in #Scotland going to #highlandgames in #lochlomond today know if its still going ahead after the hellish weather?
#lochlomond #highlandgames #scotland
Výběr fotografií z 13. Skotska v Kostelíku.
#Photography #blackandwhitephotography #Photo #Fotografie #Monochrome #Music #Musicians #HighlandGames
#highlandgames #Musicians #Music #monochrome #fotografie #Photo #blackandwhitephotography #Photography
Gestern angekommen 😎 ich wünschte ich hätte heute Zeit das Schätzelchen zu zocken #miniRogue - soll sich mit dem großem auch kombinieren lassen 🥰 Aber jetzt geht's zu den #highlandgames auf #schlossguteneck
#miniRogue #highlandgames #schlossguteneck
Spent the day up island, helping a friend clean her old rental suite & prepare it for her Mom to move in. Resting early after dinner.
I'll be helping out at the main gates tomorrow at #VictoriaHighlandGames from 10AM-2PM ✌
Tomorrow is the last day to enjoy this annual #sports & #culture #festival in #VictoriaBC on #VancouverIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada 👍
#yyj #HighlandGames #vanisle #LekwungenTerritory #SportingEvent #PNW
#victoriahighlandgames #sports #culture #festival #victoriabc #vancouverisland #britishcolumbia #canada #yyj #highlandgames #vanisle #lekwungenterritory #sportingevent #pnw
Wie had dat gedacht, #highlandgames in ons vlakke land.
The Skagit Valley Highland Games are back this year, after a #COVID19 hiatus. July 8th and 9th in Mount Vernon WA.
> https://celticarts.org/skagit-valley-highland-games/
As a member of the Celtic Arts Foundation (who put it on) I will be volunteering mornings both days; as usual they asked me to do scorekeeping for the 'heavy games'. (Think Caber Toss and the like.)
Afternoons you will find me and the dog in the beer garden, listening to the band competitions. 😃
#seattle #highlandgames #scottishgames #scottishheritage #COVID19
I had a fantastic weekend with a bunch of awesome people. Participated in my first Scottish heavy athletics event. Highly recommended! challenging physical activity outdoors with good friends. And a lot of crossover in skills between this and Aikido and kettle bells. Perfect!
Give me a shout if you have questions about getting started. I’ve been learning a ton about it recently and would be happy to share.
#highlandgames #goyoufitness #fitness #throwing
Anytime the #Scottish winter weather gets us down, we remember that summer we attended the #Calgary #HighlandGames 🇨🇦 🏴
#highlandgames #calgary #scottish
Passend zum Absturz des £ - jetzt kurzfristig einen Urlaub zu den #HighlandGames buchen ! 😂
06.08.22 Dundonald
RT @ReutersUK
Sterling loses steam as traders turn to safe-haven currencies http://reut.rs/3SmjgY3
Passend zum Absturz des £ - jetzt kurzfristig einen Urlaub zu den #HighlandGames buchen ! 😂
06.08.22 Dundonald
RT @ReutersUK
Sterling loses steam as traders turn to safe-haven currencies http://reut.rs/3SmjgY3
#highlandgames #bressuire #deuxsevres S04387
#deuxsevres #bressuire #highlandgames
Schade, leider zu spät mitbekommen - vielleicht was für's nächste Jahr:
Die 17. Highland Games in #Lemgo am 11. & 12. Juni
Baumstämme werfen, Gegner mit einem Strohsack von einem Balken hauen, schwere Steinbrocken in die Höhe katapultieren. Die Clans schicken ihre besten Frauen & Männer im Schottenrock & Kriegsbemalung ins Rennen zur Musik der Bielefelder "Highland Dragon Pipe Band".
[En] Highland games in Lemgo
#germany #highlandgames #lemgo
Got up early today to get some throwing practice in before the park got too crowded and hot. Still pretty humid, but throws felt decent. Hammer was a bit rusty… #highlandgames