I've passed this building for years, but only realised today what it was built for. It has the inscription 6th Btn HLI, which stands for the 6th Batallion of the Highland Light Infantry, and it was built as a military Drill Hall and Headquarters.
It was designed by William Hunter McNab in a combination of castellated Tudoresque and Arts and Crafts style and built in 1901.
#glasgow #highlandlightinfantry #glasgowbuildings #yorkhill #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #buildings
#buildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #yorkhill #glasgowbuildings #highlandlightinfantry #glasgow
Bonny Mary O https://www.themself.org/2017/09/bonny-mary-o-argyll/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #ash #argyllandsutherlandhighlanders #bonnymary #folkmusic #highlandlightinfantry #scots #songlyrics
#songlyrics #scots #highlandlightinfantry #folkmusic #bonnymary #argyllandsutherlandhighlanders #ash