What’s the deal with #highlightJS just…getting stuck highlighting some random block of code in the middle of your page? I have a code block marked `swift` featuring a `class` definition that will not highlight properly. But if I add a statement before the class definition, e.g. `a = b + 5`, the syntax highlighting works again. What am I doing wrong?
I’m using the minimized bundle from their CDN, so I should have the latest version.
#highlightjs #jekyllrb #staticpages #SyntaxHighlighting #blogging
I'm playing with #pyodide (https://pyodide.org), so that users can try out my Python packages directly into the docs pages! The editor is #ace (https://ace.c9.io/), and the output is highlighted with #highlightjs (https://highlightjs.org/). I'm trying to improve the look and feel but it's already amazing.
(My pastebin doesn't have Gleam syntax highlighting because neither #PrismJS nor #HighlightJS" have it available…)