Bill Gallagher Photography · @BGP
812 followers · 10917 posts · Server

Embarcadero Street

San Francisco is such a lively and vibrant city. The waterfront of San Francisco Bay highlights this in so many ways. From Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 all the way down to ATT Park.
This area here is in an area known as South of Market and it has seen fantastic renewal over the last 15-20 years. See the full image here:

#embarcadarostreet #billgallagherphotography #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #sanfrancisco #downtown #highrises #colorful #palms #urban

Last updated 1 year ago

J. Martin · @gyokusai
164 followers · 2728 posts · Server
J. Martin · @gyokusai
149 followers · 2273 posts · Server
getmisch · @GetMisch
34 followers · 370 posts · Server
Poptheart · @Poptheart
22 followers · 392 posts · Server
Yimby Earth · @YimbyEarth
204 followers · 450 posts · Server

We don't know who Stonewall are but we are willing to bet they are BigProperty.

Our experience in , is that became glorified , they would spriuk because they and their corporatePartners were using as cashCows to fuel of for exhorbident and short-term profits. The that followed drained the , our economy became a one.

Some say .

#australia #universities #propertyDevelopers #populationGrowth #migrants #construction #highrises #rents #speculativeMania #realEconomy #holesAndHouses #bananarepublic

Last updated 3 years ago

Tell that to the in their and helicopters, to buy up literally everything and bringing in from overseas by plane at all hours of the night and day to build the they intend to pack us into.

They are having a good little time at our expense. Big gains ahead for them.

But a person wouldn't know it from watching the ().

Sure there's a silverLining, but some honesty is needed.

#powerElite #privatePlanes #printingmoney #slavelabour #highrises #abcnews #AustralianBroadcastingCoronavirusNews

Last updated 4 years ago

Oh and remember those years you turned a blind eye to that of (mostly) dredging up sand for the and destroying the complex life on the ocean floors so we can build all those trashy , that no one over 30 ever wanted to live in?

When we say "Drop", we mean "Drop dead." Don't go to jail and definately don't pass go to get your $200 a day in "".

Just drop dead, sell out. You failed at life on earth.

#sandMafia #china #blackmarket #highrises #jobkeeper

Last updated 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification on .

Yes, this is why sometimes it's best to and jail the . People were warning about the scenario for some time. If we remember correctly.

are already more dangerous in a when the are no longer operational, especially for people with mobility problems.

is the only thing these corrupt will understand. We say free and put these in his place.

#Arconic #buylocal #criminallyNegligent #highrises #fire #lifts #prison #regulators #assange #realestate #criminals

Last updated 5 years ago

In terms of sheer area, the slogan/banner for the Swiss , "WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOUR INCOME WERE TAKEN CARE OF?", was mind-bogglingly big.

Was designed to be read from .

The slogan was not very effective, despite its size.

( is just a to allow - people are free to earn to supplement that amount. Interestingly, the in surrounding is said to almost be enough to provide a UBI!)

#ubi #referendum #highrises #basicincome #subsistance #wages #bureaucracy #australia #supportPayments

Last updated 5 years ago