@dancinyogi OFC.
It s a clear cut case of #Insurrection #HighTreason so like anything of that magnitude it should be #documented in full and #published unredacted.
#published #documented #hightreason #insurrection
@Devilstower amd that is the problem.
If #Obama gad commited a #Jan6-like #Coup and #Insurrection, he would've been executed by firing squad for #HighTreason before dawn.
But #Trump isn't even in a 6'x6'x6' box awaiting trial like #ChelseaManning did, and unlike her he actually did endanger #NatSec in a gross & neglectful way if not acted as a #ForeignAgent and commited #Espionage.
#espionage #foreignagent #natsec #ChelseaManning #Trump #hightreason #insurrection #coup #Jan6 #Obama
@TheUSASingers if the Orange Tyrant doesn't get sentenced for #HighTreason and #Insurrection due to his failed #Coup on #Jan6, then we can all agree that the #USA is unfixably f**ked as a nation.
#USA #Jan6 #coup #insurrection #hightreason
Jimmy Carter worked hard to get back 92 US hostages held by Iran. Reagan's campaign worked against him, encouraging Iran to keep them & help Reagan win. It was #HighTreason & @GOP worships #TraitorReagan who cut taxes to 28% for corps. & screwed us all!
#hightreason #traitorreagan #historyofrepublicantreason
@AnarchoNinaWrites *nodds in agreement*
If the legal system would've worked, he'd already be in a 6'x6'x6' cell since #Jan6 for #HighTreason and #Insurrection...
He's not because he's a white christofacist!
#insurrection #hightreason #Jan6
@ZhiZhu still not charged with #HighTreason and #Insurrection, neither facing #AssetForfeilture nor being in #jail due to high risk of fleeing.
If that's not the state being weak towards a criminal then IDK what is...
#jail #assetforfeilture #insurrection #hightreason
Jimmy Carter worked hard to get back 92 US hostages held by Iran. Reagan's campaign worked against him, encouraging Iran to keep them & help Reagan win. It was #HighTreason & @GOP worships #TraitorReagan who cut taxes to 28% for corps. & screwed us all!
Ronald Reagan's campaign was ABSOLUTELY guilty of #HighTreason in 1980! And, Jimmy Carter lost the election as a result! NOT politics, but crime!
Ronald Reagan's campaign was ABSOLUTELY guilty of #HighTreason in 1980! And, Jimmy Carter lost the election as a result! NOT politics, but crime!
94 years ago:
High Treason (UK)
The year is 1940 and tension is growing between the empires of United Europe and the Atlantic States. A bloody border incident puts both sides on high alert.
#HighTreason #MauriceElvey #SciFi #ClassicMovies
#hightreason #mauriceelvey #scifi #classicmovies
MSNBC may not talk about it, but... Ronald Reagan's campaign was ABSOLUTELY guilty of #HighTreason in 1980! And, Jimmy Carter lost the election as a result!
"Reagan Republican" is just a prehistoric version of today's @GOP-#MAGA-#KKK
Reagan was a traitor to the United States!
Ronald Reagan's campaign was ABSOLUTELY guilty of #HighTreason in 1980! And, Jimmy Carter lost the election as a result!
Ronald Reagan's campaign was ABSOLUTELY guilty of #HighTreason in 1980! And, Jimmy Carter lost the election as a result!
Belarus approves death penalty for high treason
#AlexanderLukashenko #hightreason #deathpenalty #Belarus
BREAKING — German prosecutors charge 5 people in a suspected terror plot to kidnap the health minister
Belarus starts trial of opposition leader Tsikhanouskaya
#Belarus #SviatlanaTsikhanouskaya #SiarheiTsikhanouski #AlesBeliatski #AlexanderLukashenko #presidentialelection #trial #hightreason
#hightreason #trial #presidentialelection #AlexanderLukashenko #alesbeliatski #siarheitsikhanouski #SviatlanaTsikhanouskaya #Belarus
@stopgopfox true, true...
Why is the #HighTreason|ist and #Insurrectionist not in a 6x6x6' cell awaiting his #trial?
#trial #insurrectionist #hightreason
@GroovyGirl68 if he amd his fains ain't indicted for #HighTreason, I consider the #USA a #FailedState.
Cuz #Accountability & #Consequences MUST FOLLOW!
#consequences #accountability #failedstate #USA #hightreason
@killfile *nodds in agreement*
The fact that said acts - may it be done by facists with plate-carriers on the streets or facists in suits and offices - ain't prosecuted as acts of #terrorism speaks volumes.
And it decisively sents the message that it's okay and people get away with it.
Like with #HighTreason...
Or why isn't #Trump in a 6x6x6' cell 23hrs a day???
#Trump #hightreason #terrorism
@lohalza the dact that #Trump isn't yet in #jail awaiting his #trial for #HighTreason speaks volumes.
#hightreason #trial #jail #Trump