You know it’s just a dirty rag on your head right? What am I missing. Is this dumb #twat missing a limb? She’s wearing a #hijab so parts of her brain, if not all must be missing!
It would be interesting if she shoved a #tampon up her ass instead and hit up a stair master!
Why put those #sherpas in harms way?
#hijabi #mountaineer #FalseProphets #mounteverest #chomolungma #muslims
#muslims #chomolungma #mounteverest #falseprophets #mountaineer #hijabi #sherpas #tampon #hijab #twat
@youronlyone @actuallyautistic @neurodivergence @autistics I note with delight that the author is a #Hijabi
In beginner #Hijabi adventures, I keep forgetting to put it on when I leave the apartment! But I have it on now in preparation for leaving in a few minutes.
First #Hijabi experience toot:
Wearing #glasses with hijab typically means that my #underscarf sticks out in a funny way, thanks to the ear pieces. I just discovered today that an underscarf exists with holes over the ears. It's currently being marketed to allow for an ear mask to be slipped over the ears, under the scarf, but I think it makes more practical sense for glasses. Mask ear loops hurt my ears, so I prefer to wear a mask strap.
It's not cool at all that a search for #hijab comes back with nothing but stuff about Iran's draconian hijab laws, and a search for #hijabi comes back with NOTHING. If you want to talk about hijab, also talk to and about the actual women who wear it. Iran is NOT the beginning and end of the hijab discussion.
I will start sharing my experiences of being a hijabi on here, so the "liberals" and "progressives" are forced to understand that Muslim women have a voice of our own.
Today's agenda (subject to change without notice):
1) Look for and take pictures of cool #Fungus. It's been rainy and cool here and I should be able to find a ton, God willing
2) Do an editing sweep on the blog post and add some images
3) Do bodyweight workout
4) See the movie "Los Constructores de la Alhambra" with some #Hijabi friends
5) Step away from the silicon devices
This is probably old news but I recently saw someone using their hijab to turn their smartphone into a hands-free-headset. Such a cool move, I love that so much I had to draw it! ^__^
#JfmlArt #MastoArt #CreativeToots #illustration #drawing #hijab #hijabi #emoji #people #muslim #acab #161 #antifa #poc
#poc #antifa #acab #muslim #people #emoji #hijabi #hijab #drawing #illustration #CreativeToots #MastoArt #jfmlart