tbh, i'm not used to writing posts publicly, so i left out a bunch of details. i planned on sharing a post about myself (only visible to followers) once i gathered followers. now i realized that my intro was too brief.
but i'm #hikikomori so follow me first, then i'll be super thankful :hecked:
tbh, i'm not used to writing posts publicly, so i left out a bunch of details. i planned on sharing a post about myself (only visible to followers) once i gathered followers. now i realized that my intro was too brief.
but i'm #hikikomori so follow me first, then i'll be super thankful :hecked:
CN Depression
"Psychische Störungen unter jungen Menschen nähmen generell zu, die Tendenz, sich zu isolieren, ebenfalls, während die gesellschaftlichen Umstände, die dies begünstigten, die gleichen blieben. Nicht zuletzt Pandemie und Lockdown hätten es Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen erschwert, den Übergang in das „sozio-professionelle Leben“, ..., zu meistern.'
Una problematica sociale, esacerbata dalla pandemia, che colpisce molti giovani, passati da un isolamento dovuto alle restrizioni di sicurezza ad uno volontario.
➡️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CrFmXuSN6-4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
#hikikomori #isolamento #prevenzione #salutementale #ForzaItalia #epp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isa_Adinolfi/status/1647492897036554245
#hikikomori #isolamento #prevenzione #salutementale #forzaitalia #EPP
🇯🇵 Hoy he aprendido, a través de un artículo de #TheGuardian, el término "#Hikikomori" (#ひきこもり o #引きこもり), que describe a personas que han decidido aislarse para prescindir de la vida social y las interacciones con otras personas.
Según el artículo, a raíz de la pandemia el número de hikikomori se ha disparado hasta el millón y medio de personas en #Japón.
📷 Wikipedia
#theguardian #hikikomori #ひきこもり #引きこもり #japon
Japan says 1.5 million people are living as recluses after #Covid
"The rise in the number of people living as recluses has prompted some local authorities to take action. Edogawa, a ward in Tokyo, will hold #metaverse socialising events from June to give #hikikomori the opportunity to meet people via their avatars." 👀
"Large numbers of #hikikomori said they had begun retreating from mainstream society due to relationship issues and after losing or leaving their jobs"
#Japan says 1.5 million people are living as #recluses after #Covid | #Society | The Guardian
#society #covid #recluses #japan #hikikomori
Gli #hikikomori in #Italia stanno aumentando, sono oltre 50mila https://flip.it/pYXggC
La lune de la grande
démission, le doigt
de la valeur-travail
"Et si tout ce que nous nommons orgueilleusement le sens de la vie, le travail, s’avérait nuisible, comme on parlait d’espèces nuisibles ? " #greatresignation #QuietQuitting #hikikomori #tangping
#greatresignation #QuietQuitting #hikikomori #tangping
"No Game no Life" - Wie kann man eine Serie einfach so mittendrin abbrechen oder nicht fortführen?
Echt schade. So schön durchgeknallt, so schön um die Ecke denken.
Blöde Japaner!
Kam die Serie nicht so gut an, weil viele Japaner genau so sind wie die b eiden Hauptprotagonisten?
Ich musste erst mal Nachschlagen, was eine "Light Novel". Ein illustrierter Roman. Hmmm. Wenigstens der geht etwas weiter als die Anime-Serie, aber wohl auch noch nicht abgeschlossen und beim Autor, ein Brasilianer mit vermutlich japüanischen Wurzeln, sieht es nicht so aus, als würde der das Ende seiner Serie noch erleben.
Blöd nur, dass es die Light Novell auch nur in Kauderwelsch-Sprache gibt und nicht auf deutsch. Nach allem was im Internet so steht, sind nicht mal die Rechte nach Deutschland verkauft. Vermutlich will Kadokawa einfach zu viel.
#anime #nogamenolife #ngnl #hikikomori #otaku
切ないけど見る『オトナの異常な大階段』 http://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/498493667.html @tkt058より
#Youtube #オトナの異常な大階段 #ようつべ #YoutubeSubsForSVT #引きこもり #ニート #ニート部アート #動画 #動画だけでKinKi沼に引きずりこもうキャンペーン #Video #Videos #8050問題 #引きこもり高齢化 #Hikikomori
#hikikomori #引きこもり高齢化 #8050問題 #videos #video #動画だけでkinki沼に引きずりこもうキャンペーン #動画 #ニート部アート #ニート #引きこもり #youtubesubsforsvt #ようつべ #オトナの異常な大階段 #youtube
切ないけど見る『オトナの異常な大階段』 http://tkt058.seesaa.net/article/498493667.html @tkt058より
#Youtube #オトナの異常な大階段 #ようつべ #YoutubeSubsForSVT #引きこもり #ニート #ニート部アート #動画 #動画だけでKinKi沼に引きずりこもうキャンペーン #Video #Videos #8050問題 #引きこもり高齢化 #Hikikomori
#hikikomori #引きこもり高齢化 #8050問題 #videos #video #動画だけでkinki沼に引きずりこもうキャンペーン #動画 #ニート部アート #ニート #引きこもり #youtubesubsforsvt #ようつべ #オトナの異常な大階段 #youtube
Edogawa Ward in Tokyo to Use Metaverse Tech to Solve ‘Hikikomori’ Problem - Edogawa Ward in Tokyo plans to use metaverse tech to help social recluses, also kn... - https://news.bitcoin.com/edogawa-ward-in-tokyo-to-use-metaverse-tech-to-solve-hikikomori-problem/ #mayortakeshisaito #kazokuhikikomori #socialreclusion #hikikomori #metaverse #todacity #edogawa #tokyo
#tokyo #edogawa #todacity #metaverse #hikikomori #socialreclusion #kazokuhikikomori #mayortakeshisaito
Il fenomeno della polarizzazione in rete : gli Hikikomori
Sono ancora molti quelli che sostengono che l’#hikikomori sia un #fenomeno esclusivamente #giapponese.
Eppure a livello #scientifico esistono ormai numerose ricerche che certificano l’esistenza di casi sovrapponibili per caratteristiche agli hikikomori giapponesi anche in #Spagna, #Francia, #Italia e #statiuniti, nazioni con una cultura profondamente diversa da quella nipponica.
I primi casi in Italia sono stati “diagnosticati” nel 2007, per poi diffondersi ed essere sempre più individuati come tali. Nel 2013 la Società Italiana di #Psichiatria ne individua circa 3 milioni tra i 15 e i 40 anni.
A cura di Daniela Farina.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #psichiatria #statiuniti #italia #francia #spagna #SCIENTIFICO #giapponese #fenomeno #hikikomori
When #ShinzoAbe ex-PM of Japan was murdered, I discovered #Hikikomori character reading an article by Roland Kelts at The New York Times
This social profile emerged in 90s with sunset of economic model in #Japan: from working all life in same corporation and raising a family to short-time jobs probably with no profits at all and no marriages and births.
Parents and children faced different societies and economies and are possibly destined to never understand each other.
For different views that step outside the Eurocentric gaze:
1) "Bland Fanatics: Liberals, Race and Empire" by Pankaj Mishra (2022)
- Long complex sentences for long, complex ideas (https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/aug/04/bland-fanatics-by-pankaj-mishra-review-both-obscures-and-illuminates)
2) "Hidehiko and the social reintegration worker: A novel" by Takeshi Chin (2022)
- explores the "hikikomori" (social recluse) phenomenon
At this rate, you will have a huge reading list!
#books #bookstodon #hikikomori #reading
#Hikikomori syndrome 🙁
📌 Hikikomori is a pathological condition in which a person withdraws from society and remains in isolation every day for more than six months.
📌 Recognized in Japan for the first time in 1998, it is constantly increasing especially in industrialized countries.
#Hikikomori is a complex pathological condition where an individual withdraws from society and remains at home almost every day for more than six months
#Hikikomori is a complex pathological condition where an individual withdraws from society and remains at home almost every day for more than six months