Here's #hilda in a sailor moon outfit. Oh boi, this took awhile. Tried some blending technique around her legs. Looks good...
#hilda as a pokemon trainer or I think. Looks like any normal Hilda pic with just a poke ball I noticed and I didn't know which pokemon to put in so its just a random or a troll.
#Hildacember Day 6- Pokémon Trainer
yeah, I've reached the end, for me at least, my BUTT(and back) is screaming for me to stop, and I'll hear it
but I have some drafts done and I'll finalize some until the month is over, but I won't get past the 11th of the list
I'll finish coloring this one tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
#hildacember #loli #hilda #hildaseries #farigiraf
#hildacember Day 4- Evangelion
I am already feeling the delay with the event, it is possible that I end up giving up because not being able to deliver the drawing for the correct day and start accumulating, even today I have to advance the draft for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
#hildacember #loli #hilda #hildaseries #frida
#hildacember Day 2- Nude behind rock
#hildacember #loli #hilda #hildaseries #frida
#hildacember Day 1-Troll
It looks like I'm the first on Hildacember since I didn't find any more drawings with the tag, don't forget to put the tag I want to see the creation of the other artists
This event was created by ( )
the second image is from the lolitober that I participated in last year, and as there is a troll in it...
#hildacember #loli #hilda #hildaseries #troll
#Hildacember is only 15 days away. Everybody got the entries up and ready? #Hilda #HildaSeries #HildaNetflix #Netflix #Rule34
#hildacember #hilda #hildaseries #hildanetflix #netflix #rule34