coffle - a line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along together
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik and Luka Rejecs' adventure module What Ho, Frog Demons. An immaculately-coiffured mountebank met on the road offers to sell some indentured servants' contracts.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #hillscanton #LabyrinthLord #ttrpg #osr
immiserate - cause to become poor or impoverished
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's setting and module Misty Isles of the Eld. The Eld plan a psychic manipulation campaign against the nearby human settlements.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #hillscanton #ttrpg #LabyrinthLord #osr
plenitude - an abundance
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's adventure module Misty Isles of the Eld. It is widely—and falsely—believed that the isles are an idyllic, gentle place.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #ttrpg #osr #LabyrinthLord #hillscanton
contrada - a subdivision of a city or town, from the Italian naming convention
#appendixNLocutionOfTheDay from Chris Kutalik's city-setting Fever Dream Marlinko. The surreal city of Marlinko is divided into quarters.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #ttrpg #osr #LabyrinthLord #hillscanton
An #appendixnwordoftheday from Chris Kutalik and Luka Rejec's What Ho, Frog Demons:
batrachian - relating to or denoting a frog or toad
#appendixnwordoftheday #ttrpg #hillscanton #LabyrinthLord #AppendixN