Wil de docu over #Hillsong op Disney+ zien maar ben ook beetje bang dat m'n relitrauma hard geraakt gaat worden. Uuuugh.
Watching the #Hillsong documentary on Disney+ and it really just goes to show that capitalism and institutionalised religion are really just two sides of the same exploitative coin.
The quicker faith-based spirituality breaks free from the chains of religion the better.
Bei Disney+ bietet die Dokuserie „The Secrets of Hillsong“ einen Blick hinter die Kulissen einer skandalträchtigen Mega-Church. In der zweiten Staffel der Apple-Serie „Afterparty“ muss ein Mord auf einer Hochzeit aufgeklärt werden und das Künstlerkollektiv „Rocco und seine Brüder“ verschönert in der ARD-Mediathek unsere Hauptstadt auf ganz eigene Art und Weise.
#CarlLentz #Hillsong #SamRichardson #TiffanyHaddish #WasLäuftHeute
#carllentz #hillsong #samrichardson #tiffanyhaddish #waslauftheute
Finally watched the #Hillsong documentary on Max. I finished the fourth episode an hour ago, then Max's app told me that there are new #RighteousGemstones episodes available. #PerfectTiming.
#perfecttiming #RighteousGemstones #hillsong
Just watched the #BetootaAdvocate's show on #Hillsong 'church'. It was excellent. I can highly recommend it.
Marc Fennell: I left Pentecostalism 17 years ago. Now I’m witnessing others make their own exodus from Hillsong | Australian television | The Guardian. #religion #evangelical #Pentacostal #Hillsong #Pentacostalism #Christianity #Australia #TheKingdom #TV #SBS #television #megachurch https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/commentisfree/2023/jun/11/i-left-pentecostalism-17-years-ago-now-im-witnessing-others-make-their-own-exodus-from-hillsong
#religion #evangelical #pentacostal #hillsong #pentacostalism #christianity #australia #thekingdom #tv #sbs #television #megachurch
Hillsong’s Celebrity (Un)following #2023_05_26 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #carl_lentz #justin_bieber #hillsong #hillsong_church #documentary #fx #the_secrets_of_hillsong
#2023_05_26 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #carl_lentz #justin_bieber #hillsong #hillsong_church #documentary #fx #the_secrets_of_hillsong
This 👇🏽 sh*t gets worse and worse as you get into the episodes.
Especially all the child abuse that occurred in the Hillsong church by Frank Houston (Head Pastor).
👉🏽 When Trump was in office he invited Brian Houston (son of Frank Houston) to the WH.
🖕🏾 FCK all you MAGAs 🤡
#sunday #hillsong #fuckmaga #hulu
Was bei #Hillsong und anderen Freikirchen läuft, ist das, was sich auch in der katholischen Kirche findet: geistlicher #Machtmissbrauch - (die frohe Botschaft von) Gott wird benutzt, um Macht über Menschen zu gewinnen und auszuüben und sie für eigene Zwecke zu instrumentalisieren. Das ist vor allem menschen- und gottesverachtend. Genau diese Mechanismen versuchen wir, zumindest in der katholischen Kirche zu bekämpfen, schwer genug. Wer setzt sich in Freikirchen dafür ein?
#HillsongChurch was once known as a place where A-listers went to say “Amen.” But in the wake of multiple #scandals involving #churchleaders and #controversy over some of its #beliefs, the global #megachurch is no longer a favorite among #celebrities — in fact, stars like #JustinBieber and #ChrisPratt have felt it necessary to publicly clarify that they do not associate with #Hillsong.
#sundayschool #christianity #scams #religion #absolutepower
#hillsongchurch #scandals #churchleaders #controversy #beliefs #megachurch #celebrities #justinbieber #chrispratt #hillsong #sundayschool #christianity #scams #religion #absolutepower
Watching Ep. 2 of “The Secrets of Hillsong” documentary, and something about Carl Lentz’s apology that was kinda ringing hollow, and then I noticed how much he was crying on camera (after Ep. 1 pointed out how much he cried on stage).
I’ve seen those tears a lot from male Christian leaders. From men close to me, too. And the question hit me: did they learn those fake tears from us white women? Did we learn from them? (1/?) #Hillsong #ReligiousAbuse
Das Kissen ruft, und ich werde seinem Ruf folgen.
Euch noch einen meiner Lieblingssongs, der meinem Leben vor ein paar Jahren eine neue Wendung beschert hat.
Gute Nacht, meine lieben Flauschies.
Wir lesen uns morgen auf dieser, Eurer, irgendeiner Instanz. :fediverse:
#worship #christianmusic #hillsong #oceans
Interesting to hear an international perspective on the crisis in the Money Church. #hillsong
Megakirche Hillsong: Das Geschäft mit dem Glauben
Der deutsche Chef-Pastor übernachtete in Luxushotels und pflegte auch sonst einen fragwürdigen Umgang mit Spendengeldern.
Interne Unterlagen zeigen, wie #Hillsong in Deutschland agierte. Weltweit steht die evangelikale #Freikirche seit Jahren in der Kritik.
@nedhamson @RuthODay
I sort of disagree. #Hillsong was founded by a chap who enjoyed 13 year old boys. In the biblical way. So nope. It's not just Catholics..