I watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV between May 14th and May 27th.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #buffalobill #highlander #hillstreetblues #hunter #themarytylermooreshow #seinfeld #baretta #Kojak #theotherone #santabarbara #30rock #viper #werewolf #TheATeam #branded #thefamousteddyz #hardcastleandmccormick #rhoda #riptide #talesfromthecrypt #fernwoodtonight #inbedwithmedinner #three #thesixmilliondollarman #wonderwoman
📺 January 26, 1984: NBC aired #BuffaloBill after #Cheers and before #HillStreetBlues. Against it, CBS had #MikeHammer and ABC aired #Masquerade.
#buffalobill #cheers #hillstreetblues #mikehammer #masquerade #80stv
#GeraldCastillo, best known as the father of A.C. Slater on #SavedByTheBell, died May 4 at 90. Castillo was convinced to move to Hollywood by #ShermanHemsley and he made his on screen debut on #TheJeffersons. Castillo's notable TV credits include #HillStreetBlues, #KnotsLanding, #GeneralHospital, #AllInTheFamily, #BarnabyJones, #MASH, #Dynasty, #NightCourt, #Dallas, #Hunter and #CSICrimeSceneInvestigation. Film credits include #DeathWish4, #DeltaForce2 and #AboveSuspicion. #RIP
#geraldcastillo #savedbythebell #shermanhemsley #thejeffersons #hillstreetblues #knotslanding #generalhospital #allinthefamily #barnabyjones #mash #dynasty #nightcourt #dallas #hunter #csicrimesceneinvestigation #deathwish4 #deltaforce2 #abovesuspicion #rip
42 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S1E15: Rites of Spring (2)
Furillo and Neal go out of their way to help clear an obnoxious, racist narcotics detective accused of shooting an unarmed black man; LaRue's drinking gets really out of hand; and Hill and Renko try to help a young black woman accused of neglecting her children.
Airdate: 1981-05-19
#HillStreetBlues #DanielJTravanti #MimiRogers #JamesRemar #NBC #TV
#hillstreetblues #danieljtravanti #mimirogers #jamesremar #nbc #tv
41 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S2E17: The Shooter
Belker tries to renew his expired driver's license; Renko tries to take his father home from the hospital; LaRue rehabilitates himself with Furillo; and everyone follows the trail of the gun used to kill two officers during a burglary.
Airdate: 1982-05-06
#HillStreetBlues #DanielJTravanti #TaureanBlacque #TraceyWalter #NBC #tvshows
#hillstreetblues #danieljtravanti #taureanblacque #traceywalter #nbc #tvshows
40 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S3E21: Buddy, Can You Spare a Heart?
Washington goes undercover on Benedetto's loan shark scheme; Hill and Renko, desperate for cash since the payroll talks are stalled, find a suitcase full of temptation; and LaRue tries to clean up in the body parts pool for the missing Buddy Genett.
Airdate: 1983-05-05
#HillStreetBlues #DanielJTravanti #TaureanBlacque #JonathanBanks #MichaelLerner #NBC #tvshows
#hillstreetblues #danieljtravanti #taureanblacque #jonathanbanks #michaellerner #nbc #tvshows
36 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S7E21: A Pound of Flesh
The Hill faces renewed gang violence when Jesus' sister is apparently kidnapped on the eve of her wedding to a Gypsy Boy; LaRue experiences emotional highs and lows when a perp's gun misfires three times in his face; Hunter is found, but his survival came at a high cost; IAD Shipman pursues a case a...
Airdate: 1987-05-05
#HillStreetBlues #NBC #Television
#hillstreetblues #nbc #television
For May-June 2023, my #ClassicTV #WatchList looks something like this:
#AcapulcoHEAT #Batman #BostonBlackie #Branded #TheBurningZone #HarryO #Highlander #HillStreetBlues #ItTakesAThief #KungFuTheLegendContinues #MagnumPI #McCloud #MikeHammer #MissionImpossible #MollyDodd #RudeAwakening #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco #30Rock #Vegas #Viper
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #40sMovies
#classictv #watchlist #acapulcoheat #batman #bostonblackie #branded #theburningzone #harryo #highlander #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #magnumpi #mccloud #mikehammer #missionimpossible #mollydodd #rudeawakening #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #30rock #vegas #viper #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #40smovies
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 13 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #thebionicwoman #thefamousteddyz #frasier #highwaypatrol #missionimpossible #thesixmilliondollarman #almostperfect #branded #buffalobill #Columbo #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #benson #magnumpi #santabarbara #viper #areyoubeingserved #fernwoodtonight #idreamofjeannie #superforce #wonderwoman #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #vegas
This week, a samurai sword fight broke out over a Monopoly game in Belgium, and the guys get to know the 1980s via Miami Vice!
#JeremyRenner #RenaissanceFestival #RenFaire #ScarboroughFair #AnneMcCaffrey #Pern #Cosplay #allergies #viking #belgium #monopoly #truecrime #Brussels #katana #samurai #sword #fight #TMNT #latestagecapitalism #tabletopgaming #seinfeld #MiamiVice #MichaelMann #Vegas #religion #classictv #hillstreetblues #PatrickNagel #vice #Scarface
#jeremyrenner #renaissancefestival #renfaire #scarboroughfair #annemccaffrey #pern #cosplay #allergies #viking #belgium #monopoly #truecrime #brussels #katana #samurai #sword #fight #tmnt #latestagecapitalism #tabletopgaming #seinfeld #miamivice #michaelmann #vegas #religion #classictv #hillstreetblues #patricknagel #vice #scarface
#HillStreetBlues s2e10 (1982) - 9/10
#JanetDeMay (#RemingtonSteele) guests.
1️⃣ First half of this is quite light-hearted, but it impressively switches gears halfway through to become very serious. The script places Lt. Hunter is in real danger, and there’s a great twist with regard to a new character working in the station.
#hillstreetblues #janetdemay #remingtonsteele
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #aspen #frasier #gvse #banacek #branded #FamousFive #foreverknight #ittakesathief #peoplelikeus #almostperfect #benson #theboldones #carolineinthecity #hillstreetblues #hyperionbay #idreamofjeannie #inbedwithmedinner #santabarbara #areyoubeingserved #isis #justshootme #dustystrail #beyondwestworld #kungfuthelegendcontinues #talesfromthecrypt
#HillStreetBlues s2e9 (1982) - 8/10
#CharlesRobinson (#NightCourt) guests.
1️⃣ Other than the second appearance of #DennisDugan as Captain Freedom this episode has almost no continuity with the previous one. No mention is made of the horrific crime from last time. This instalment, perhaps in deliberate contrast(?), is mostly comedic. It plays like an episode of #MASH. Some serious subject matter but mostly lightweight stuff, and with laughs in almost every scene.
#hillstreetblues #charlesrobinson #nightcourt #dennisdugan #mash
#HillStreetBlues s2e8 (1982) - 8/10
❝Where do you put your hate?❞
1️⃣ The crime that drives the a-story is shocking; horrific. Even by today’s TV standards, and certainly by those of 1982. It gets solved before the end credits, too.
2️⃣ #DennisDugan makes the first of four appearances as superhero Captain Freedom. One of the most memorable arcs of the entire series. And one of my favourites.
42 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S1E13: Fecund Hand Rose
Esterhaus faces immense pressure as his wedding day to Cindy dawns and Grace shows him what he's giving up; Furillo resents providing protection for Ralph Macafee, who's now a state witness; Belker busts an entertaining professional cat burglar; and everyone scrambles to get ready for the wedding ce...
Airdate: 1981-03-25
#HillStreetBlues #DanHedaya #NBC #tvshows
#hillstreetblues #danhedaya #nbc #tvshows
36 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S7E18: Dogsbreath Afternoon
Buntz tracks down Belker's snitch as the whole station house works to find out who shot Mick; Renko is forced to be honest with Daryl Ann by a blackmailing hooker; and Russo and Flaherty stalk a reported lion.
Airdate: 1987-03-17
#HillStreetBlues #NBC #Television
#hillstreetblues #nbc #television
36 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S7E17: The Cookie Crumbles
Renko erupts in jealousy over Daryl Ann's business partner; Flaherty allows his feelings for Russo to interfere in a bust; Calletano returns to Hill Street when a Spanish speaking citizen is shot by a cop unable to understand him; and Kate McBride relives her father's death at an awards ceremony.
Airdate: 1987-03-10
#HillStreetBlues #StevenWilliams #NBC #tvseries
#hillstreetblues #stevenwilliams #nbc #tvseries
36 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S7E16: Sorry, Wrong Number
Goldblume and Furillo clash over using a former gang member to obtain evidence against a gang leader in a murder case; Renko's mounting family problems affect his work; Bates, Flaherty and Joyce try to reconcile a Latin gigolo with his lady friend.
Airdate: 1987-03-03
#HillStreetBlues #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#hillstreetblues #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
39 years ago today:
Hill Street Blues
S4E17: The End of Logan's Run
Belker has a final run in with his bald headed pickpocket with many names; Joyce defends a man whose brother plans to threaten the prosecution witness into silence; and Operation Stop 'N Cop begins.
Airdate: 1984-03-01
#HillStreetBlues #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#hillstreetblues #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows