Here's my for the mighty platform!

I'm an , , and more recently, an independent game developer working on a game called, "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Enjoy the End of the World", a satirical RPG about surviving the Saturnalian global depopulation agenda.

I'm also interested in outside of the box thinking and anything too weird to comprehend.

#howilearnedtostopworryinganenjoytheendoftheworld #hiltswaeteotw #indiedev #welcometomastodon #shpongle #musician #artist #mastodon #indroduction

Last updated 2 years ago

In this video, I just go over my overworld sprite assets and elaborate about some of the overall themes of my game.

Also, the last time I posted to BoobTube, they said there were no copyright issues upon posting, only to tell me 2 weeks later, there was a copyright violation?

I took a pic this time for proof.

#elonsucks #twittermigration #hiltswaeteotw #copyright #youtube #gamedev #indiedev

Last updated 2 years ago