The New York Times and the use of Nazi imagery by Ukrainian troops
@nytimes #Himmler #Hitler #Ukrainian #Nationalism #Hjstory #Scholz #NATO #Gladio
#himmler #hitler #Ukrainian #Nationalism #hjstory #Scholz #nato #gladio
In Sweden since last autumn, government consists of supposedly Liberals, Christian Democrats, 'Moderates' (liberals too), and supported in parliament by Sweden democrats (supposedly nationalist). They now propose that the "right" to abort should be in the Consitution. (works fine in goog translate). If you put that in constitution, you can argue for the killing of any category of people. #Himmler-liberals just as in Canada, I guess.
#TopographyOfTerror exhibit in Berlin - an item on 1936 #Himmler establishing office to combat #lgbtq and #abortion. There seems to be NO BRIGHT LINE between #Maga and #Nazi #Fascism. I'd like to see US #MSM do an article trying to find it. #FascistTrump
#Fascisttrump #msm #fascism #nazi #maga #abortion #lgbtq #himmler #topographyofterror
Die These, dass i.d.R. verwechselbare Funktionäre die Spitzenpositionen im ÖRR bekleiden, ist nicht sonderlich originell. Unterfüttert wurde sie aber vor ein par Tagen, als #ZDF-Intendant Norbert #Himmler im eigenen Sender anlässlich des 60-jährigen Jubiläums interviewt wurde. Er sagte u.a.: „Ich finde, 60 ist doch ein tolles Alter! Man hat ne Menge Lebenserfahrung und man steht auch noch voll im Saft, und von daher ist das ein prima Alter.“ Das hätten mehrere ... (1/2)
Today in Labor History March 22, 1943: The Nazi-affiliated Schutzmannschaft Battalion burnt alive everyone from the village of Khatyn, Belarus, near Minsk. They did it in retaliation for an attack on German troops by Soviet partisans. Himmler created Schutzmannschaft police units in 1941. By 1942, they had over 300,000 members. They slaughtered Jews throughout the Baltics, Ukraine and Belarus. They also served as guards at forced labor camps. In total, Nazis and Nazi collaborators slaughtered over 2 million people just in Belarus during the three years of Nazi occupation. This was nearly 25% of the entire population. Of these, 800,000 were Jews, or about 90% of the Jewish population.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #nazis #genocide #holocaust #antisemitism #jewish #khatyn #belarus #himmler #police
#workingclass #LaborHistory #nazis #genocide #holocaust #antisemitism #jewish #khatyn #belarus #himmler #police
Today is #HolocaustMemorialDay.
Never forget: The #Holocaust also came to #British soil. More than 40,000 slaves died on the #German-occupied #Channel Island of #Alderney during #WW2, as part of #Himmler’s Extermination by Labour programme. The #SS murdered many #Jews in 11 #camps there.
We remember.
#holocaustmemorialday #Alderney #holocaust #british #german #channel #camps #nazi #ww2 #himmler #ss #jews #hmd #nazis #hmd2023
#WeRemember #Auschwitz #NieWieder
The Third Reich was made possible by the people who didn't stand up against it. I reckon 99.99%. Just like today with the eco and climate clusterfuck.
One of them was grandfather (and his wife).
He had just finished law school and got appointed judge in 1933.
On photos one can see how, by 1936 and in very good health, his face looks more and more gaunt with a resigned expression in his eyes. He did NOT like the system he was speaking law for.
But by then, he had 2 sons with my grandma, was the sole family provider and felt he couldn't change anything, anyway. So he stayed. As system enabler.
My grandma's cousin was a true Nazi sociopath.
He joined the SA as early as 1926 when he was 20, and then proceeded to a nice career as SS-Standartenführer, "the man for the dirty work" for #Heydrich, and later for #Himmler.
Among other atrocities he was co-responsible for the execution of the 300,000 jews in the Baltic regions as deputy commander of the Einsatzgruppe A.
I wasn't aware of this until only a few years ago when I browsed my father's family history and googled the name.
What happened back then can happen again. 80% of the population never stands up against anything.
In my view, this IS already happening again, in the form of passive apathy or active unwillingness to do what has become necessary wrt #climate and #biodiversity .
And I am like my grandfather: too late did I realise the stakes and I also let the assholes in government do what they were doing without fulfilling my citizen duty to inform myself of the clusterfuck. Until 2018. Too late.
#weremember #auschwitz #niewieder #heydrich #himmler #climate #biodiversity
@Eichi Bares für Rares kostet 35-80.000€ pro Sendung. Mir ging es hier ja erst einmal um die ewige Redundanz bei allen möglichen Turnieren. Das #ZDF verballert im Jahr 240 Millionen Euro für die Sportberichterstattung. Bei all dem, was da so richtig reinknallt, sind ohnehin ARD-Vertreter vor Ort. Man produziert millionenschwer - und #Himmler sagt es hier ja ganz offen - einzig, um der ARD auf Beitragskosten Konkurrenz zu machen.
"„Ich finde es falsch, den publizistischen Wettbewerb von #ARD und #ZDF infrage zu stellen. Ich halte ihn für essenziell“, sagte der Chef des ZDF, #Himmler."
Wer kennt und liebt es nicht, das Spitzenduell des freisten Journalismus, wenn bei jedem FIFA-Turnier jede Hinz- und Kunzanstalt des #OERR seine Hundertschaft losschickt, damit Millionäre über Millionäre um die Wette debattieren dürfen? 😻
gerade auf @DLF_noch nicht im fediverse gehört.
#himmler verspricht #Transparenz u.a. sogar was das ZDF mit den ausgewerteten Daten macht (die #cookies am Anfang zur Erfplgskontrolle ? und vllt. auch wo die Daten hingehen ? )
ERF: Immer aktiv
ERF Erfolgsmessung:
IMMER abwählen *-) , weil offenbar nicht UNBEDINGT ERFORDERLICH
Um ein relevantes journalistisches A .., ist eine Nutzungsmessung unbedingt erforderlich.
#cookies #transparenz #himmler
Der Widerstand gegen den Faschismus war viel größer
Jahrestag des Attentats von Stauffenberg auf Adolf Hitler
#Widerstand #Stauffenberg #Elser #Rechtsaußen #Neo-Nazis #NSU #Faschisten #Rassismus #Hitler #Himmler #Göring #Niemöller #Böhmermann #Gedenken #Militär
#widerstand #stauffenberg #Elser #Rechtsaußen #neo #nsu #faschisten #rassismus #hitler #himmler #Göring #Niemöller #böhmermann #gedenken #militär
damn #rogerstone looks like #himmler (same #maladaption to the same #nerological #disorder, no doubt #treatment won't help)
#rogerstone #himmler #maladaption #nerological #disorder #treatment