The obligatory Hina Matsuri picture of Vivi the beagle. A high pressure shoot. She would not stay put, nor would she look into the camera. It took two people gesticulating and shouting for several minutes, extravagant promises of treats and then I had maybe a one and a half second window of opportunity to get the shot. This photograph encapsulates a world of noise and chaos, really. #dogsofmastodon #hinamatsuri
De recentste aflevering van het blog #PenseelVanWind handelt over #hinamatsuri / het poppenfestival (vroeger: meisjesdag) dat jaarlijks op 3 maart gevierd wordt in Japan en nu samen met jongensdag (5 mei) een dag van het kind is.
✍️ Koura Yūgetsu:
’t kind ook een slokje
en dus wat aangeschoten —
Doll Display at Imperial Hotel, Osaka #japantravel #indianinjapan
#shorts #japan #festival Hina Matsuri, Imperial Hotel, Osaka
#dolldiplay #gaijinbhai #gaijinindian #gaijinindianinjapan #hinamatsuri #imperialhotel #ImperialHotelOsaka #IndianinJapan #Japan #JapanTravel #japanesedolldisplay #japanesedolls #LifeinJapan #Osaka #Osakadestinations #Osakatour #OsakaTravel #Osakatrip #Osakavacation #大阪
#japantravel #indianinjapan #shorts #japan #festival #dolldiplay #gaijinbhai #gaijinindian #gaijinindianinjapan #hinamatsuri #imperialhotel #imperialhotelosaka #japanesedolldisplay #japanesedolls #lifeinjapan #osaka #osakadestinations #osakatour #osakatravel #osakatrip #osakavacation #大阪
Aujourd'hui c'est Hinamatsuri ou la fête des poupées 🎎 ! Chaque 3 mars, en l'honneur des petites filles vivant dans la maison, les familles japonaises installent un stand de poupées, représentant une cour impériale de la période Heian (794-1185). Pour l'occasion, j'ai sorti mon furoshiki acheté chez MoshiMoshi qui célèbre cette journée 😍
#Japon #Hinamatsuri #bento #furoshiki #日本文化 #ひなまつり #雛祭り #お弁当 #風呂敷 #パリ #フランス語 #フランス
#japon #hinamatsuri #bento #furoshiki #日本文化 #ひなまつり #雛祭り #お弁当 #風呂敷 #パリ #フランス語 #フランス
#Hinamatsuri, das Puppenfest in Japan.
Happy Doll Day from this giant kokeshi in front of Higashi Honganji! 🎎
#dollsday #hinamatsuri #japan #kyoto
Cute Dolls at Chiba station #beautiful #lifeinjapan
#shorts #cute #dolls #japantravel #japan Cute Dolls Decoration at Chiba station
#beautifulJapan #Chiba #Chibadestinations #Chibatour #Chibatravel #Chibatrip #Chibavacation #cutedolls #gaijinindian #GIJ #hinamatsuri #IndianinJapan #Japan #japandolldisplay #japanfestival #JapanTravel #JapaneseFestival #千葉
#beautiful #lifeinjapan #shorts #cute #dolls #japantravel #japan #beautifuljapan #chiba #chibadestinations #chibatour #chibatravel #chibatrip #chibavacation #cutedolls #gaijinindian #gij #hinamatsuri #indianinjapan #japandolldisplay #japanfestival #japanesefestival #千葉
🎎 We did the setup! Hinamatsuri or Doll’s Day is coming up soon. (You might notice that here in Kansai we put the Lord on the right)
#ひな祭り #hinamatsuri #dollsday #japan
Found out about #Hinamatsuri today and attempted to make a makeshift set out of origami and various toys and and guff in place of attendants.
Trop cool, hâte de lire!
[ #NEW ]
Pourquoi j'ai l'impression... d'être devenu sa baby-sitter ? 🤯
Nitta, jeune yakuza, voit son quotidien basculer le jour où une petite fille débarque et utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques pour le forcer à l'héberger !! 🌀
📅 #Hinamatsuri • février
Specific anime/manga/games I'm into atm:
#gundam #thewitchfrommercury
#girlsundpanzer #hinamatsuri #watamote #gundam #thewitchfrommercury #ggwp #murcielago #genshinimpact #trailsfromzero #victoria3
📷 #JapaneseTea #Matcha #🍵
#Fukujuen #御題抹茶窓 #Mado #Window
#Happoudou #お内裏様 #お雛様 #ひな祭り #🎎 #Hinamatsuri #HighgradeJapaneseFreshConfections #JapaneseSweets
#Hokusando #九谷焼 #KutaniWare #抹茶碗 #MatchaBowl #連山赤 #MountainRangeRed
#JapaneseTea #matcha #Fukujuen #御題抹茶窓 #mado #window #Happoudou #お内裏様 #お雛様 #ひな祭り #hinamatsuri #HighGradeJapaneseFreshConfections #JapaneseSweets #Hokusando #九谷焼 #KutaniWare #抹茶碗 #MatchaBowl #連山赤 #MountainRangeRed
« 🌸 Happy Girls' Day! 🌸 #hinamatsuri #holiday #mlp »
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Going to start watching #grandblue.. Another short comedy anime like #hinamatsuri
ahh.. i finished #hinamatsuri already. it was really light and funny. i hope they make more episodes!