Be like the Lotus, that arises from the muddy waters shining unsoiled.
Angutara Nikaya 4.36 #dharma #buddhism #mahayana #vajrayana #hinayana
#dharma #buddhism #mahayana #vajrayana #hinayana
Contrary to what many adherents of the #Theravada reason, the term #hinayana is not just about them, neither is an despective term used to denigrate them. Is a term used to classify the various philosophical views with respect to the study and practice of #buddhism prior to the birth of the #mahayana views and practices.
#Theravada #hinayana #buddhism #mahayana #vajrayana #zen
#Theravada #buddhism only represents a fraction of the #buddhist tradition. It does not contain the complete #hinayana philosophy, therefore is a mistake to reason (as many do) that Hinayana is the same as Thereavada. The main difference between Hinayana and #mahayana is the motivation to do the Buddhist practices. While the first focus mainly on individual self liberation from #samsara the second focus on #bodhichitta meaning service towards the liberation of all sentient beings.
#Theravada #buddhism #buddhist #hinayana #mahayana #samsara #bodhichitta
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #metal #tivoli #utrecht #borknagar #hinayana #wolfheart #moonspell #insomnium #band #photography #photographer
#photographer #photography #band #insomnium #moonspell #wolfheart #hinayana #Borknagar #utrecht #tivoli #metal #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
New concert review for ZwareMetalen online, including my photography:
Location: #TivoliVredenburg
Bands: #Hinayana , #Moonspell , #Insomnium , #Borknagar , #Wolfheart
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #metal #fotograaf #photographer #concert #cultuur #tivoli #utrecht #review #concertphotographer #tourphotographer #cultuur
#tourphotographer #concertphotographer #review #utrecht #tivoli #cultuur #concert #photographer #fotograaf #metal #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic #wolfheart #Borknagar #insomnium #moonspell #hinayana #tivolivredenburg