Hindutva Profiles: Vikram Sampat
Sampat is considered by the Hindu far-right as someone who is putting forth an accurate ‘indic version’ of India’s past. Sampat is invited to platforms that eulogize Hindu supremacy and propagate the idea of exclusive Hindu polity (Hindu Rashtra), like The Sangam Talks, The Jaipur Dialogues, and others.
#HindutvaProfiles #VikramSampat #PseudoHistory #propaganda #misinformation #HateSpeech #HinduSupremacy #hindutva #savarkar #BJP #RSS #history #india
#hindutvaprofiles #vikramsampat #pseudohistory #propaganda #misinformation #hatespeech #hindusupremacy #hindutva #savarkar #BJP #RSS #history #india
Swami Vivekananda is not a Sangh Parivar icon. Liberal-progressives allowed his appropriation
Capturing Vivekananda's legacy was much easier for the Sangh Parivar. The average Indian relates to him largely as a saffron-clad sanyasi. That's all RSS would like them to know, writes Yogendra Yadav.
#vivekananda #hinduism #history #hindutva #RSS #nationalism #HinduSupremacy #islam #christianity #GovindKrishnanV #biography #books #bookstodon #india
#vivekananda #Hinduism #history #hindutva #RSS #Nationalism #hindusupremacy #islam #christianity #govindkrishnanv #biography #books #bookstodon #india
Hindutva Icon Syama Prasad Mookerjee Had Nothing But Contempt For Tricolour
This Republic Day, the irony to see in power those very forces that had opposed in the past and seek to destroy today what the Republic stands for - whether it is secularism, reservations, protection to SCs/STs from atrocities, the Hindi question, or the national flag – behave like the personification of patriotism, could not be starker, writes Saib Bilawal.
#TricolourFlag #RSS SyamaPradadMookerjee #hindutva #HinduMahasabha #BJP #BharatiyaJanSangh #savarkar #golwalkar #vajpayee #hedgewar #HinduSupremacy #communalism #india #archives
#tricolourflag #RSS #hindutva #hindumahasabha #BJP #bharatiyajansangh #savarkar #golwalkar #vajpayee #hedgewar #hindusupremacy #Communalism #india #archives