🔁 Anthony Grillon 🌪 (@AnthoGrillon)
🔴🔥 #ALERTE | Au moins 36 morts suite aux violents #incendies qui frappent #Haiwaï !
Via Hawaii News Now #HINews #HNN #Maui
🐦🔗 https://twitter.com/AnthoGrillon/status/1689554023563624448
🕐 10/08 10:27
#alerte #incendies #haiwai #hinews #hnn #maui
RT @CivilBeat
#Opinion: The chaotic period is the last chance for bills to make it through the #HILegislature. @bethfukumoto #HInews https://www.civilbeat.org/2023/04/beth-fukumoto-these-12-conference-bills-are-ones-to-watch/
#opinion #hilegislature #hinews
RT @StarAdvertiser
State officials have ordered the removal of cat-feeding stations at a Waikoloa shopping center to protect nene, Hawaii’s official state bird.
More: https://808ne.ws/43vziEe
KJ has spent the last six years lobbying for a fucking TREE BURNING plant in Hawaii
RT @civilbeat
Johnson, a two-time-mayor of Sacramento, has pressed state officials to support the controversial Hu Honua biomass project on the #BigIsland. https://www.civilbeat.org/2022/12/out-of-bounds-nba-star-kevin-johnson-pushes-hard-as-point-man-for-hawaii-energy-project/ @pauladobbyn #HInews
RT @MilekaLincoln@twitter.com: #LeilaniEstatesEruption #KilaueaVolcano LATEST: Unbelievable new aerial footage shows where last night’s fast-moving pāhoehoe flow crossed Pohoʻiki Road southeast of Hinalo Street through #LanipunaGardens; @CivilDefenseHI@twitter.com UPDATE👉🏽 https://instagram.com/p/Bi-FfK3AZBu/ @HawaiiNewsNow@twitter.com #HINews
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MilekaLincoln/status/997924287695605760
#leilaniestateseruption #kilaueavolcano #lanipunagardens #hinews